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my peek a poo's eyes

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by juliestroup, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. juliestroup

    juliestroup New Member

    My peekapoo has itchy eyes, he rubs at them with his paws and he also gets a lot of eye matter that I have to use a fine comb to remove when bathing him. Is this an allergy or does this run common in the breed? Other than this he is the greatest dog!!! :?:
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    It more than likely is allergys. Have you mentioned it to the vet. Most vets can not come up with any way to stop a dog from having tear staining. I think its either food allergies or seaonal allergies from pollen etc. Does he do it all the time. You could clean out the eyes with an eye wash. Collyrium is one I've been told is good to use. You get it at the drugstore. also make sure there are no tiny hairs poing into his eyes. That can cause irritation too. Clip the hair around the eyes.
  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Also you can give him some childrens liquid benedryl ..acccording to his age and weight ...tweice a day ,if he has an eye infectyion ,he may also need some antibiotics like some amoxil for a few days ...wouldn;t hurt
  4. juliestroup

    juliestroup New Member


    I bought some eyewash, I am going to try that. I try to keep the hair clipped back. I think the grass bothers him. Is that weird or common?

  5. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Good girl ...I would still use the benedryl ,it will help to clear them up too ...grass pollen is an allergy ,so the benedryl will help and yes it happens quite often .
  6. juliestroup

    juliestroup New Member

  7. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    A cutie ...to be sure :eek:
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    VERY cute, juliestroup!!! :y_the_best:

    Sounds like you've received some great suggestions so far, just be sure to keep the area around his eyes nice and trimmed at all times!!! And yes, grass does sometimes cause eye irritation for certain dogs, so do your best to keep him from rolling around in the grass, and wipe off any grass (and any other outdoor matter) from his face when he comes inside! The key is keeping his eyes and the surrounding area clear of any "stuff!"

    Also, be sure you are feeding him a high, premium quality food!!! Allergy problems can often stem from a dog's food, so be sure that's not the culprit!!! :y_the_best:

    If it is allergy-related, your vet can run some tests to find out what exactly he's allergic to...it would be a great thing to find out!!!

    I hope things get better for him!!! :D
  9. Tangible

    Tangible New Member

    I was reading..helpful info here...and I do love your page you made of your Deuce...lol! LOVE HIS OUTFIT!!

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