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my puppy bites toooooo much. please help!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by shawnaboo, Jun 26, 2005.

  1. shawnaboo

    shawnaboo New Member

    we have a german shepard puupy who is about 15 weeks old..she was the sweetest thing, but for some reason lately all she wants to do is bite everyone. i dont think she wants to hurt anyone. how can i get her to stop? will obedience trainning help?
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Training is ALWAYS a good idea when dealing with puppies. It shows them that you are "ranked" higher than them and teaches them to obey on command.
    I have only had older pups so I am not sure if she is too old for this, but is she teething right now? If she is ice cubes can be great for that. Also sticking rubber toys in the freezer for a couple of hours is a good way for them to numb thier gums and chew the toy instead of you.
    This behaviour needs to stop immediately or it will continue. It will not be as "cute" or acceptable when the GSD is full grown.
    One way I did this with Harley was when she nipped at me I said "no bite!"
    then I would put a bone or toy in her mouth instead. This is an example of something that worked well with me. Also, I yelped really loud whenever she would have my hand in her mouth.

    I am sure others will have some great suggestion too.

    Good luck!
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Puppies go through the teething process for the first 12months of there life this is from them getting there milk teeth ( puppy teeth ) until they get there full set of adult teeth Some sooner some later.

    When my pups bite i say NO and turn away from the pup and ignore them i keep doing this everytime a pup bites, This soon teaches them that it hurts and they will get no attention for biting.

    As Bullylove mentioned drawing there attention to something else like a chew toy will also help but can sometimes not be that effective.

    German Shepherds are known to push there owner to the limits to see how far they can go before being told no, I know this very well with mine.
    Before i allow my litters to goto there new homes i always give them some training and i also show the new owners what methods work best with the pup.

    Since each pup is an individual what method will work for one may not for another.

    Puppies learn bit inabition (sp) from there mother and litter mates and this must be carried on with the new owner...

  4. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I had a biter too. It took him a long time to finally get the message. The thing that helped me the most was always having a toy handy to put in his mouth whenever he'd come up to me. He got the idea that if I wanted to play, he'd better get a toy.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

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