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my puppy has a uti!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by cleosmommy, Jan 16, 2005.

  1. cleosmommy

    cleosmommy New Member

    I just got back from the vet who diagnosed my 10 week old shihpoo with a UTI. I had noticed some increased urination (both in amount and frequency) and then this morning she peed in her car kennel during an hour ride and then peed like 4 times in one hour once we got to our destination. The vet prescribed antibiotics which I will give to her, and also warned me that many female puppies struggle with chronic UTI's until they reach puberty. Does anyone have experience with this? Is there anything else I should be doing for her besides giving her the medicine? Thanks for the help! :D
  2. mafiaprincess

    mafiaprincess New Member

    My 4 and a half month old cocker spaniel was diagnosed with a uti last week. I found it was really hard to find other dog owners experiences other than the symptoms to see what I was going to have to help her through. My vet told me to feed her plain yogurt while on the meds, and for a week after she was done them. We've had a lot of accidents on the carpet, she gets almost to the right spot and can't seem to hold it any longer, it's been a trial, but she seems to be getting better quickly. Good luck with yours.
  3. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Many owners use cranberry including myself as it worked when my dog had one. Didn't need and I wouldn't give antibiotics unless a last resort. I used the pure powder form from the health food store. You could try pure cranberry juice but they usually dislike the taste.
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Plain yogurt is good, but it must contain active cultures if it's going to do any good. Acidopholous supplements will also help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in her digestive tract.

    Cranberry is excellent. I use it myself for UTIs.

    UTIs can lead to formation of bladder stones, so continue the cranberry for a while. And be on the lookout for symptoms of bladder stones, which resemble the symptoms of UTIs. Ask your vet if there are any foods you should avoid, and don't supplement calcium without consulting your vet.

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