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my puppy is having dental problems

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by sheka28, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. sheka28

    sheka28 New Member

    Hi I have just discovered that a tooth is growing in the same area in my puppy's mouth. It is sorta like stacked on her other tooth. Is this normal. Should I take to the vet or will it fall out.
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Sheka worry not, I just went thru this. I went to my vet all worried thinking we should spay now(this was 3 weeks ago) because My poodles top fangs were coming down and the puppy teeth were stil there. He said he feels we should wait one month exactly to spay. Sooo in the meantime he said play lots of tug-o-war. I was also told to wiggle the tooth that needs to come out, which I did that also and they loosened up. Just yesterday her second one fell out. Two days before that the other came out. Soooooo don't worrie too quick ok. You can talk to your vet, if you feel you need to, but this is what I just went thru. How old is your pup?
  3. sheka28

    sheka28 New Member

    She is 6 months I called a month ago and the vet said she should be spayed this month because she is a smaller breed. I actually have an appt to take her in on 03/04 to be spayed. So you think this is causing the problem.
  4. sheka28

    sheka28 New Member

    Hi I just called the vet. They will be able to pop it out while she is under for the surgery
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    My girl is getting spayed probably on the 3rd of march. Stil waiting for them to change their monthly things and start up the march scheduling meetings. I said march is only a week away. Anyways I'll be calling them in another two days to make the appointment the 3rd. Yep they usually pull any existing puppy teeth out when spayed.

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