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My puppys eye is watering ?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by DaveM26, Oct 16, 2005.

  1. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    I have an now 15 week old Brittany named Hunter, I noticed this mourning that his left eye looks a bit redish pink ( skin area of the eye)
    and its watering, also he seems to have a runny nose and sneezing allot?

    Is this something that can wait till Monday to take to the vet to have checked or could the eye issue be a serious problem. he seems happy and playfull i'm just worried about the wattery eye issue with it being redish pink.



    Also hes got 3 sets of shots now and has been treated once for the kennel cough
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I cant say if its something that should wait until Monday, if he was my pup though....if he is eating and drinking well, active, not coughing/hacking anything up, not having any difficulty breathing, normal temperature, is not lethargic and the discharge from the eye and nose is clear and watery and not greenish then I would probably wait.

    Theres a couple of things that Im thinking it could be (and Im not a vet), how long since the kennel cough vaccine, sometimes within about 10 days of the vaccine Ive noticed some dogs do seem to get a little bit of an upper respiratory infection.....that could also be a combination of all the vaccines though when given at the same time, kind of hard on the system.

    Other things that come to mind, if there is no coughing, no wheezy chest sounds it could be an eye infection, maybe caused by either a tiny speck of debris or a conjunctivitis, the irritation from these two things can cause sneezing and a runny nose....also a tiny speck of debris in the nose can cause a watery eye on the side of the nose thats affected and will cause sneezing.

    Just my opinion though.

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