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my shih-poo won't eat

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ChewysMom, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. ChewysMom

    ChewysMom New Member

    I just got a 9 week old shih-poo and he weights 2.7lbs he is not eating very well not sure what to do? I have talked to the vet he goes in on Thursday for his first puppy visit. The vet and the pet store told me to try putting baby formula into his food it helped a little but not much they say he should be eating 1/4 to 1/3 cups of food three to four times per day and he maybe eats !/2 of what I give him each time. Not sure what to do can anybody help me?
  2. ChewysMom

    ChewysMom New Member

    Just talked to the vet again and she said that his energy levels are good and that he is probally eating just enough to get him by right now but to give it a few more days for him to adjust to his new home and he should start eating.
  3. Valentina

    Valentina New Member

    I have a 13 week old Chi-poo. I got her at 10 weeks when she weighed approximately 2 lbs. It took a few days to get accustomed to her new home and to eat a good meal. However, even today at 13 weeks and close to 5lbs. she still only eats maybe 3/4 cup of dry. Just make sure you are using a quality puppy food. Many quality foods require less intake than the more commercial brands.

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