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My shihtzu is sick, advice needed

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by wojpa, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. wojpa

    wojpa New Member

    I have shitzu which is 9 years old. For the past of week my dog got sick,
    which is totally weird.. he was all fine and next day I have found him on the floor and entire body was shaking, and couldn't move his body, I wasn't sure what it was, so I took him to vet , the doctor wasn't sure what it was, he checked his body for any broken bones, and visual check and look it fine so my dog got prescription for pain killer.. I gave him once a day and it felt a bit better, but still wasn't the same dog as before, so I took him again , and told doctor to check him again so they took his blood sample and came out abnormal for kidney, so it got prescription for anibiotics.. I have appoitment for tommorrow again for x-ray..
    I have also notice that he get sort of exhausted , he walks a bit then need to lie down like it hard for him to move, he eats a bit, but for the past of three days he didn't do "poo" yet,he stomach looks enlarge, however he urines, I just got his urine so I can take this to doctor to check this out too..
    I have been search net for couple days for similar cases, and I have found similar case that was posted by "elizavixen" I have emailed her to find out the causes , and I just register today..
    Anybody else might have sugestions , adivice
    Sorry for my mistakes

  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry that your dog is sick.

    Do you think he could have been having a seizure? What you describe sounds like what happens when my toy poodle has them.
    I'm not sure what else might be wrong but I hope you find the answers.
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    My dog had seizures when she had liver failure. I hope he gets better!
  4. wojpa

    wojpa New Member

    I am going to ask the doctor today for seizures.
    The shaking of his body is identical when there is thunderstorm ..
    but there is not none around right now.. another thing I did notice is that he stops shaking after when he urines..

    I got to push the doctor today to check everything out, I am hoping what ever it is cureable..
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If you don't get anywhere with your vet after this next appointment, I would take him to another vet for a second opinion. It sounds very serious, whatever it is.
  6. ashlee

    ashlee New Member

    Where are you located? Because there has been outbreaks of canine leptospirosis in much of New York State. http://www.labbies.com/lepto.htm
    I just wanted to mention it so you can bring it up to the vet, its hard to detect but it affects the liver and kidneys and I believe can be found if the urine is tested. Hope he feels better!
  7. wojpa

    wojpa New Member

    some update
    Well took him to another vet, they have check him and did the x-ray , and found his stomach enlarge, as big as larger dog, kidney and liver is fine, so the stomach is the problem it is huge 1.5 times larger then it should of be , the vet doc said that only way is to do operation to diagnose further what is in the stomach... somebody suggested to me to give him unflavoured Metamucil and vet doc said the samething to tried that if that will help him get his system clean.. they also give him a liquid forgot the name of it and I will have to come back tommorow and they will know if the liquid came through his digestive system, if it did then he will be ok, if not the operation will have to performed...

    I have found out today that my sister gave him pizza bread the day before he got sick, and she gave him couple small pieces, I wasn't too happy with that information today... I am hoping to be the digestive issue...
    I have to read through some of the info on this forum very informative..
    if anybody had similar cases post here.. let me know

  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I am glad you guys figured out what it is, no on to the road to REcovery

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