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my turn to freak out

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Rene, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    well i'm here at work and my neice is at my house visting my mom and she let jasmine out of my room and jasmine is bleeding :shock: not really bad but spots so i called the vet they said bring her in right away (i'm 1 1/2 hours from home) so amanda took her for me. The vet just called me back and said she did ultra sound and her uturas (sp) is a little bigger then it should be but it is contracting which could be why she expelled blood. the vet also did a CBC blood panal (wont know the results till tommorrow) and her boobs by her back legs are brusied. She also said i have to watch her very very carefully for the next 24 hours if she dosnt act like herself i have to take her back right away so they can do a full blood panal. right now she is just checking for calcium and stuff. I give her a calcium tablet everyday and she is eating puppy food. The vet is worried that she might be getting diabetic i guess it happens in small dogs. I also have to try to not let the babies nurse on her lower part. My poor little girl i knew she didnt feel real well cuz last night i could not get her to stop barking then sebastain would bark i swear all night long barking.
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Have you heard from the vet yet Rene, whats going on?
  3. Rene

    Rene New Member

    grrr stupid computers i could not get on line Jasmine seems fine i think she might be in heat again we will get the blood results tommorrow in the mean time i have brought the babies out in the livnig room with the sides of the play pen up when she wants in i put her in but she can get out by her self when i go to bed i will put them back in my room. besides the bleeding she has been non stop barking so i was thinking what has changed well i brought some of my moms boxes from the garage in (for her to un pack) and they are sitting around maybe jaz thinks i'm moving or something i dont know i just wish she would stop barking well she does when i hold her then sebastain starts barking i swear i cant' win around here it's always something. I'm also wondering when the puppies eyes are going to open geez it will be 2 weeks tommorrow i heard 10-14 days well tommorrow is 14 days and i see no progress. when the vet calls tommorrow i will ask about that as well
  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OH MY!!!!!!!!!!! In heat?? really!?!? so soon???????? Gosh, I sure THAT is it... :( yipes, buddy....... I know you're pain, and especially the fact that you were an hour and a half away.

    BIG HUGSSSSSSSSS to get you through the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    i'm not real sure how soon they go into heat but i'm really glad i got sebastain fixed already he i really sniffing her and my 2 male kittens are also it was so funny last night jasmine was walking and fonzi jumped on her back my first thought was oh my god we are going to really have yorkie kitty's lol

    I let sebastain sleep in my room last night also i put the sides up on the play pen and when the babies made noise i got up and put jasmine in there he was sooooooooo happy to sleep with mommy again he slept on his back with his head on my pillow all night so cute. Then this morning when i opened my door it broke my heart to see Oscar, Whiskers, Fonzi and Butters laying in front of my door with their nose's smelling under. Poor babies they want in also. One of the kittens knows how to open the door he jumps up on the handle and makes it open so i have to lock my darn door

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