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My Two Shih Tzu's - more advice PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Valmar, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. Valmar

    Valmar New Member

    Wrote in earlier about introducing a new puppy(SHIH) to my 5 year old (SHIH)who is frightened of other dogs (even though she was raised with other dogs for her first 8 mos.she is now 5. We have had Bailey a week now - Brittney is some better but not a lot of improvement - we also had our son and two small grandkids for a 3 day visit in this week - maybe we are expecting too much, too fast - wwhat do you all think! :)
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    =P~ Hi there~

    A dog who has spent a lot of time being an only dog will take a while to adjust to a new pet in the home. Brittney is used to having all the attention to herself, and not having to compete for attention and other things with another pet. Just be sure to keep everything fair, and not make Brittney have to share anything. Separate water and food bowls, separate toys, separate chews, etc. You may find that they share their toys, food bowls, etc., which if fine, but sometimes sharing causes more tension for the "original" dog (Brittney). Spending alone time with Brittney should also be a great help. Don't focus all your attention on Bailey, be sure Brittney feels included in everything.

    If your pup is not used to children, then yes, that may have added some stress to problem as well.

    So, are you expecting too much too soon? I would say yes, like I said earlier, it usually takes some time for an only-dog to get used to a new dog coming into the home! Give it some time, and be sure to keep things fair, even, and pay lots of extra special attention to Brittney!

    Best wishes, and please do keep us updated! :D
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    One week is still not much time. Give her some time to adjust.

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