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My Winnie thinks she is the ALPHA

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by WinniPoo, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    First timer here, hope you guys can help. My Winnie Poo (female tiny toy Malitpoo) is almost 4 months old, when she came home to us she was very sick, so as you all have guessed I let her do what ever made her happy. Winnie is great today!! the funniest puppy ever. I did litter box train her and she does great with it, but she is very active and I'm having trouble getting her to pay attention and listen to me so that I can train her, all she wants to do is play play play. I have read every book and even hired a personal dog trainer, (her methods were too harsh, she's gone) does anybody have any advise that may have worked with your puppy or a book title that I haven't read.
  2. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Thank You, I do have housetraining for dummies, that was great!! I'll give your suggestion a try. I have a ton of pictures of Winnie, for treat or treat she was a wind up toy puppy. I will need to play around to post my pictures, (my next book should be pc's for dummies). I could talk about my Winnie all day, she is sooo funny. We also have a Keeshound and last night she was standing (all four paws) in his water dish while drinking his water. I'll send pictures.
  3. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    It sounds like you're having difficulty communication with Winnie. Two good books that help with communication are The Dog Whisperer or The Other End of the Leash. It was very helpful for me, because it made me see that what I was saying wasn't really what I wanted her to do. (For example, I would say "down" meaning to get off of something and put your belly on the floor. So the one day she was on the coffee table I told her down and she laid down... what I really meant was "off") :-s I hope those two books help.

  4. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    thank you, the suggestions have helped a great deal. :

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