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Nano Reef ? ?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by dude412, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. dude412

    dude412 New Member

    I would really like to design and create a nano reef ot of a 5 gallon i have seen some ammazing things even in 1.1 gallon things so i was thinking
    5 gallon
    2 hermit crabs
    5 lbs of live sand
    5lbs of live rock
    1 pink annemoe
    wuld this work i cant really find any good reef sites that help in my case so any info is appreciated.
  2. hooterhead

    hooterhead New Member

    scratch the live sand. the LR will seed the sand in no time. it's a waste of your money. hold off on the anenome for a while. they like a well established aquarium. once you get it going you could go to your LFS that carries a bunch of corals and they will usually cut you some deals on frags (pieces) or corals that aren't doing so well. a lot of times you can bring them back from the grave with a little TLC.
  3. Used

    Used New Member

    Imo I wouldn't scratch the LS. Instead of two Hermits you should get two Nassarius snails to clean your sand bed. No Anemones.
  4. hooterhead

    hooterhead New Member

    the LR is going to seed the LS in no time. it's a waste of money if you are going to get any amount of LR right away. and yeah hermits aren't a necesity in a tank that won't house any fish. they are usually used for cleaning up excess food and such, so you can scratch those. if you want an invert like that you could get a porcelain crab or emerald crab. maybe even a shrimp. camels and fire shrimp are known to cut open corals to get the undigested food inside, but there are many that do not. research EVERYTHING first.

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