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need help with pup and a cat

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by abells, Jun 3, 2005.

  1. abells

    abells New Member

    i have a 9 week old papillon he is only 2 1/2 lbs my cat is 2 yrs old and about 17 lbs.. she (cat) seems to be afraid of the pup. does anyone know of a cat ever hurting a small puppy? is it possible? when he gets to close she hisses and puts up her paw like she may hit him but has not yet. it has only been a week i am hoping this behavior will change. is it possible for a cat to pounce on a small pup? thank u ann
  2. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    Good luck with socializing your cat and dog. When I first brought my Pomeranian home, I slowly introduced my cats to her and I thought all was well. Guess I was wrong. My Pom thought it was fun to chase the cats and one got really irritated with the dog and turned on her. The cat swatted the dog and cut her on the lower eye lid. I freaked! I saw blood running down her face and thought that the cat got her eye itself. My Pom cried for quite awhile after that. They still aren't friends, but the cat finally tolerates the dog and just runs away now. He knows he can jump where the Pom can't. LOL.
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    cats can definetly hurt puppies (or any aninmal just about) sometimes it just takes some time for them to get used to each other. I guessed I lucked out wiht my dog and cat when they want to play together they do, but if one doesn't it will run from the other.
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I would suggest separating them when you aren't around to supervise. A 17 # cat certainly could hurt or even kill a 2 1/2 # baby. Have you ever met those back claws? I have seen Copper (19# cat) stomp on and rip at his little toys. I bet he could do that to a small animal if he wanted. Good Luck and we would love to see pics of that little bitty papillon!!
  5. abells

    abells New Member

    how do i post a picture? thank u for your help. i will continue to keep them apart.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Watch out for abscesses, if the cat attacks your pup there might be no signs of any physical problems initially but just be aware that small puncture in the skin can develope into abscesses after a few days....maybe a little longer. Signs to watch for are swelling, acting painful if the area is touched, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite etc. Ive had a mix of cats and dogs for a long time and one of my cats would often attack my chi mix and my whippet, never had any of them have an abscess though....just something to be aware of.

    To post a pic go to something like tinypic.com, upload the picture to that site using the 'browse' button, then 'host it' then copy the URL to your message box here. Make sure you click on 'IMG'....tehn paste your URL....then 'IMG' again, to check it just click on previw first and see if it comes up okay....then click on submit.
  7. abells

    abells New Member

  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I love those ears...very cute pup.

    I might have explained the picture thing....not quite right (sorry Im a bit of a dunce when it comes to computer stuff)

    the link that you put in the post....if you click on "Img" (its just above the box that you write your message in when you post a reply...2nd to last box between List= and URL)....so click Img then paste your copied link then Img again...it should come up then with the pic already on this page.

    Im probably confusing you even more...sorry...anyone else????
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea, your way confused me too!
    what I do is right click on the picture then go to properties and then copy
    (http://tinypic.com/5mlqa9 for example) then in your message paste http://tinypic.com/5mlqa9 then highlight that and click on IMG, so it will look like [​IMG] but w/out the space between ] and http
    so this would be the final product [​IMG]

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