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need info on my fish

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by fish lover, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. fish lover

    fish lover New Member

    I bought an elephant fish, does anyone here own one, if so, please tell me when is the best time to feed them, I know at night, but I have Angel fish that will eat the worms, because they can see the food, I leave a dim light on so I can see the elephant fish come out, because they are so cool, but it doesn't help when they are nocturnal.
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I know some people that have nocternal fish and they rigged up a tube to drop the food right in front of the nocternal fish. That why he can get it before the other fish do. You could also use a turkey baster to do pretty much the same thing.

  3. fish lover

    fish lover New Member

    turkey baster for feeding

    I feed my elephant nose with frozen black worms, and I hope he or she is eating it, I feed at night. Could I feed him or her with a turkey baster with my frozen food.

    Do you have any suggestions, how I can get my elephant nose into his new home.?

  4. sleeper

    sleeper New Member

    Since I'm checking these guys out myself... I've noticed you can shut all the lights out, then feed the elephant nose with a turkey baster.

    The trick is: if you do this for a week or two, the elephant nose will start emerging at night if you just turn the lights out. It's very similar to the trick where you can tap a betta tank when you feed him, and then after a while he'll just swim to the top if you tap.
  5. fish lover

    fish lover New Member

    dead skinny elephant nose

    Could someone here tell me why my elephant nose got skinny and then eventually died, He didn't eat, so that could be why? So maybe what I should ask is why wouldn't he eat, I had him for 3 wks, and dead, I was so upset, because he was $25 and didn't even get to enjoy him, and my water was where it should, I would like to get another one in the future, but not until I know more about them, and what I can know before I buy one, to make sure that it will live.

    Thanks Shelley :cry:
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Were you able to get food to him past the angel fish?

    What were the actual numbers for your ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte readings?

    Did you see any aggression towards him (or signs of aggression like bite marks) from the angels?

  7. fish lover

    fish lover New Member

    feeding my elephant nose

    Ya I put it right in front of him he was able to get it and would eat some but not enough to keep him alive. It's been 2 wks, the last time I tested it. When I brought him into the fish specialist where I got him, they tested the water, it was where it should be, I kept them him there so they could treat him, and he wouldn't even eat for them, and he was the only one in there. I think he had an internal parasite that just was taking over, and he didn't have immune system for it. Next time I buy an elephant nose, I am going to have them to a feeding test, to see if he or she will eat the store. I think If I would have done that, and he didn't eat I wouldn't have bought, I guess you live and learn the hard way.

    Do you have an elephant nose, and if you do how is he or she doing?

  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    It's very possible there could have been something wrong with him to begin with. And no, I've never kept elephant noses.


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