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need some info about pitbulls..please read!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by skeet0420, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. skeet0420

    skeet0420 New Member

    Hi i was just wondering, is there anyway of telling if your dog is pure bred pitbull or not? how can i tell ifh e's pure bred or mixed with something? any help would be greatly appreciated!! thank you sky
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Including a pic would be a good start...

    you can never be sure what breed your dog is unless SOMEONE was there to whitness conception... If you got your dog from the pound or as a stray you can tell by looking as definatively as anything... But there's no way to know for sure...

    I'm curious though why you want to know if he's purebred or not? I'd love to see a pic.
  3. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    Just like sara said...if you include a picture we can all tell ya...i am sure! 8)

  4. dsrocker

    dsrocker New Member

    put a pic on there

    i've been around pitbulls ever since i was born and my dads owned them since he was 16 and just like the other girls said if you put a picture on there we would really be able to tell you if it's full blooded or not[/i]

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