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need tips about small dogs please

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by winnie, Dec 3, 2005.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    My co worker has been looking for a chi puppy for 3 years. She wanted to rescue so thats why she has been looking so long, she wanted a puppy, and she wanted a chi who would be about 5-6 pounds full grown.

    So everyday we do searches at work together, and yesterday I found a 3 month old chi at our local pound. She had a broken leg and she was so tiny. So my co worker called the pound to get info on her and she became avaliable yesterday, they also told us her leg is broken in two places. My co worker wanted her, she also said that we could easily fix her leg at work and most people wouldnt be willing to adopt a dog with a broken leg because of costs, which is true. So she gave me money and I went to the pound and bailed her out.

    She is so sweet, just sat on my lap the whole time, i took her back to work and to my co worker who fell head over heels for her. Shortly after I left work and got a call about four hours later, I guess my co workers mother in law absolutly refuses to have a dog in the house. Just so you guys know, the mother in law had okd a dog a couple days earlier, so it wasnt like my co worker didnt ask and just surprised the MIL, she knew.I feel bad for my co worker, she already got attached and had bought all these things for the puppy.

    So my co worker didnt know what to do, she doesnt want to take her back to the pound so i told her to make her comfy at work over night and i will come get her in the morning.

    Im gonna find her a home, but im gonna wait till she is healthy and her leg is healed. The people at the pound kept her in their locker room so she wouldnt be exposed to all the sick dogs at the pound. She is soooo tiny, she weighs 3.3 pounds but thats with a huge cast on her leg that is as big as her.

    I've never had a small dog before, her cast wont come off for a month so im trying to reserach things i need to know. Id like to get her potty trained as much as possible, then she would be asier to adopt out, im also gonna train her basic obediance while she is in my care.

    Im worried about the potty training though, is it harder to train a small dog or easier?
    Any tips on owning a small dog would be appreciated. Im not even sure how much food i should give, but i can ask that a work.

    I also need a name for her and i will post pics later today. She is tan with a black muzzle, her cast is bright pink and matches her collar, she is sooo cute!Her name right now is Noel but it doesnt fit her. We also think she a little doxie in her. When you hold her she is sooo calm and snuggly, and when you put her down she is so hyper and funny. And with that big cast on her leg its funny to watch her play and walk around, cute little baby.

    Thanks a head of time for any tips.
  2. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Personally, I don't know the difference in training with dogs (small vs larger), but I can tell you from my little bit of experience..... My dog is small and was actually very quick to train, potty train, etc. He was also not as "spazzy/hyper" as other large breed puppies I've been around (case in point... I have four different friends over the last two years who have had puppies... two lab, one pit, and one that I don't know the mix! LOL.... each of them had more difficult times with their puppies... with the typical chewing, bad puppy behaviour. I really don't know why... but it just seems to me that the smaller breeds are more docile (maybe it's because we can control them more?... dunno). I don't think I answered your question, but thought I'd through in my two cents. LOL.

    As far as a name... do you want to stick with the Christmas theme? I've always thought that chi's reminded me of little tiny deers... so perhaps you can steal one of the reindeer's names! :) How about Prancer? Comet or Dasher? (not sure that's a girl name tho) Since it's a little cute considering her cast! hehe.. Vixen? Cupid?
  3. zarate

    zarate New Member

    I have to agree with myshipoo on that one. My dog (chi) was very easy to train and he wasn't hyper at all when he was a pup. His activity now is a different story, but he's trained now...so it's ok. Potty training may be the only different thing, since a small dog is goig to have a smaller bladder and need to go out more frequently vs. a larger dog. Good luck with her!
    Keep us posted.
  4. zarate

    zarate New Member

    P.S. Just to let you know, I sent you a PM (sometimes I don't notice if I get one, I guess I'm not that observent lol, so I thought I'd let you know.) Thanks!
  5. madeline

    madeline New Member

    Small dogs are great

    I dont think it matters whas size a dog is to how easy it is to train, it depends sometimes on the breed, some breeds are so much easier than other breeds. I have a poodle who is 12 and he has always been easy to train, housebreaking was a breeze, he always has been abit hyper when people come over but really that has been his only downfall. I have also just got a Maltipoo who is 14 weeks, she seems more maltese than poodle, but she is very smart and housetraining is going well, she also gets so excited to see everyone who comes over, but Im going to socialize her abit better and take her more places, that should help with that.
  6. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    I think all little dogs(and some big dogs) are hypper(sp?). I have a small weenie dog and she is always hypper(sp?). Like myshippoo said. It is really easy to train about housebreaking. My dog is 6 months old and it knows to go outside ASAP! 8)


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