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Neutering and "the cone"

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Brittany4me, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Brittany4me

    Brittany4me New Member

    Well, our little Jack is now minus a couple of body parts....which is a good thing for us :)

    We were sent home with a cone for him to wear. He looks like a big dufus with it on!!!!

    My question is...do they really need to wear it? He was neutered last Wednesday. And his stitches don't come out until the 30th of this month. I can't imagine making him wear that cone so long.

    When we are around him I leave it off. But if he's in his kennel unattended then it goes on. He really doesn't bother it at all when the cone is off. He's actually more interested in licking the part he still has :) But he does sniff it sometimes.

    What sort of damage could he do to himself if he does start messing with the stitches? I'm just so sick and tired of that cone, and the extra clumsy-ness it causes him to be.

    Any experience out there with this? His surgery was 6 days ago.

  2. Rene

    Rene New Member

    My baby just also had that done but the vet did not send him home with a cone :shock: i put underwear on him to stop the licking but really he didn't want to lick that much i guess i got luck Sebastain was fixed last monday so it's been 8 days for us but as i said he didnt get the pleasure of having a cone.

  3. Brittany4me

    Brittany4me New Member

    Does Sebastain have to have the stitches taken out or are they absorbable, or whatever technique they can use now?

    Also, and I hope I don't offend you or anyone else reading this. Have you noticed he has "woodys" now since the surgery? My Jack never had this and now I see it quite often.

    I wonder if it's just a temporary thing?
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther never had the cone, but he never eally needed it, Iso I think as long as you watch him he will be fine. I think )I don't know) that they worry the dog will pull the stitches out and when the stitches pull out, it opens the wound back up and then needs to be resewn up or can get infection (Idon't really know just a guess) that is why they need to wear it. Luther had the ones that go away he never had to have them taken out.
    Luther has always had the "woody" problem. It scared me at first, but I got used to it. It happens not so often anymore, but still sometimes. But I think it could be that it hurts when it is inside (as long as you are talking about that "extension" and it not actually get hard, because i think they are always hard) because of sweling and stuff going on and so it just feels better hangin' out. Just my guess don'T really know to much about dog penis'
  5. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    When I had Rusty neutered, they said he would have to wear a cone for something like 2 or 3 weeks, and when I picked him up he was still all groggy and wearing a cone..... I asked if it was REALLY necessary, and they swore up and down that it was. I guess some breeds are especially bad for chewing, and I guess Rus is one of those (highly active dogs, like JRT's)... Anyway, I took him home, and as he was waking up and trying to stand and walk and all, it was just too pathetic. They had this cone on him that was so long and up close against his chin and neck and all, that there was no way he could even drink, eat, etc. They said they had to put it on him that way because of his being part dachsund, since they are longer bodied and can reach farther than the average dog. I couldn't stand it, so I took it off. I watched him close, but he did fine. A little licking, but I never saw him chew. I came to the conclusion that some vet's do this probably to cover their own behinds, just in case. Probably there is an occasional problem, and if they send you home insisting that the dog must wear it and then you make the decision to take it off, you can't come back and blame them in case something does happen.
  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Sebastain doesn't have to go back and get stiches out i guess they absorbe but i never really noticed the woody thing and now that he feels back to normal he sleeps on his back again man what a different sight that is lol
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I prefer to see the package-less version laying on the floor. Lil was right. Males tend to want to get at their stitches more so. If they lick it can become moist and infected. My sister male poodle pulled his staples out twice. I know ick on the staples. So just keep an eye on him if he has it off. They can be sneaky about it too though. My girl had the dissolvable ones, I just had her wear a doggie t-shirt. The sutured area will get itchy too once it starts healing so watch for him maybe wanting to lick it then.
  8. Brittany4me

    Brittany4me New Member

    We took the cone off. Even when he's alone in his kennel. So far so good. But, we'll keep an eye on him.

    I wish his stitches were the absorbable kind. I have a feeling they will charge me to remove the stitches too, that's probably why they used those...more money for them. They charged us $10.50 for the lousy cone.

    Funny thing is, they forgot to charge me for the cone the first time around. I had to bring him back for a bigger size one because he could reach the incision. That's when they hit me up for the dollars. Such is life :)
  9. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    I think that's part of the reason they require the cone too.....they can charge you for it! I think I had to pay $11 for Rusty's, and I had it off of him within an hour. :x I don't know if your vet is different from ones I've gone to, but removing the stitches should be included in what you paid.....but I guess some places may do it differently.
    But do whatxh him clsoe, because like puttin said, they do get itchy when it starts to heal.
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea removal of stitches is included, usually. With my cat I had her desexed at the local Vt school, for like free or reduced price something, and a real vet took out the stitches for free.

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