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NEW 2 Fish please help.

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by NEW2FISH, Mar 2, 2005.


    NEW2FISH New Member

    I just bought a 10 gallon tank the other day, and I set it up and did all of the water treatments etc. I bought a Red Bellied Piranah, and the guy at the fish store said it would be ok to put the piranah in the tank, and that all should be well. I put the piranah in the tank, and after a little while (30 mins or so) he started to lean towards his side. Now he wasnt all the way on his side, or even upside down or anything. But this made me pretty nervous. I thought that maybe if I take some water from my 30 gallon tank that I have had for a while, maybe he would be better. So if anyone could give me a few pointers I would appreciate it.

  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    for one, a 10 gallon is to small for a RBP, for two, RBP's prefer to live in shoals....it helps keep down the stress in inhibit natural behavior.....and for three, doesnt sound like your tnak is fully cycled....it can take up to a few weeks to fully cycle a tank.
  3. Used

    Used New Member

    You should return the piranha to the lfs and wait until your tank is fully cycled. When your tank is fully cycled I still wouldn't put a Piranha in a 10 gallon it is way too small. Hope this helps.

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