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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 18, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yall, I'm sooo sorry. I didn't forget Saturday to do the DOG OF THE DAY.
    I was walking early Saturday morning, like I always do. I got about half way down my drive way when 8 puppies came running out!!! Who ever dumped them did it Friday night or early Saturday morning. They even left their blanket.

    They aren't little puppies either! they're BIG like 10-12 weeks old and about 15-20 lbs each.
    I'm guessing they are Lab X Pitt X shephard cross.

    Soooo my hands were really busy Saturday. I've got 17 puppies, 1 momma dog, and a stray male now to handle with.

    Oh lordy...... I need a herd of people to help me!!

    On a good note. All puppies were healthy, They got their shots, wormed and a goood bath. Boy they stunk!

    So this Friday, we're holding a BIG Adoption Day. Columbus Wal-mart has agreed to let us use a portion of their parking lot to have the event. So anyone in TEXAS that is close by, FEEL FREE TO JOIN THE FUN!!!
    If anyone wants to donate anything before this friday or anytime really PM me!!!!!
  2. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member


    I have always read your post about the pups/dogs getting dropped at your house.
    I think you need to be commended for all the work you do to save these dogs.

    I wish I wasn't in Canadam or I would be there at Wal-Mart to help you out.

    Funny I have put in my name with many rescue groups in my city and no one has called. My husband would not let me foster, but I put in the application that I can do ANY thing else...

    Thanks again,
  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Where in Canada do you live?
  4. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hi Bully Love,

    I am in the east end of Toronto, actually Pickering..

    And you?
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I'm in Alberta.

    I was just wondering because most shelters BEG people to come volunteer and help walk, clean cages/dogs etc.

    Just keep checking in with the shelters to see if there's anythig you could do. I wanted to foster as well, but Harley is dog aggressive, so it is not possible.

    Good luck
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hehe, I tried to foster and ended up with another dog, LOL! :lol:

    If the rescue groups won't get back to you (shame on them!) then how about trying the shelters? As bullylove said, most are desperate for people to come in and help out!

  7. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member



    I couldn't have real ones delivered to you, so here are some virtual flowers. You are a wonderful person, and your heart is too big for words.
    You are an inspiration to many others.

    Good luck with these new babies, and keep us informed as your adventures continue.
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh yall! Yall are great!

    I'm trying to get photos...but the little buggars won't sit still!!!

    They are all golden colored. SOme have little darker markings around their muzzles and eyes. One boy. I've already nick named him Cleo. Don't know why! But he's sooo sweet, he's pitt, can't deny it! He's yellow with a white lightning mark on his chest. He's the sweetest of the bunch. I'm sure he'll find a good home. His feet are HUGE!
    These dogs are going to be BIG. I think some have hound in them. Three of them don't bark. They bay! and one. he yips. They are very protective of each other. Everytime I come outside, they yip and bark and bay and howl. Until they realize its me. There's one female, She's the smallest and looks alot like a shephard. She's brown with some black hairs scattered in her, not long haired, but not short either. She's really timid and shy. but will slowly approach you to sniff. I caught her earlier and just held her and petted, and she calmed down. BUt the moment I let her go she went and hid in the crate.

    They all need love. Its apparent who ever had them, fed them well, none are skinny. but never messed with them. But they've all made a big turnaround since Saturday. Their no where near as shy as they were, and love to play with anything they can get their little paws on!

    Cleo and Complex ( he's a wierd pup, doesn't like the other pups much, and is obviously the alpha pup) are the two hams of the bunch. You can't look at either of them and not laugh. COmplex's eyes are slightly crossed and when you talk to him, his big floppy ears perk up and he cocks his head to one side and moans!!!

    There are only two females out of the bunch!!! The rest are males.

    The other pups are doing awsome! Their eyes are open and their getting sooo fat. I call one Rolly Polly! He kinda teeter totters on his tummy! Its soo funny. But theya re all fat and healthy. They won't go anywhere for another 3-4 wks. BUt I have a good feeling these other guys will be fine to go to homes by Friday. I may keep the small female a little longer if she doesn't tame down any more by Thursday.
  9. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    WOW! That's an odd mix. They aren't all from the same litter are they?? Hmm, what shame. You have to wonder what provoked someone to do this to obviously well taken care of pups. Just dropped them with a blanket?! Yeah, that's gonna help them.

    If they aren't from the same litter it is a little suspicious don't you think? Possibly someone tried to start a rescue and gave up?

    Who knows, its a good thing you found these little guys though.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    A weird thing about dogs is that one litter can contain pups from different fathers. :shock:

  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH no, their all from the same litter. You can tell by looking at them.

    Jamiyas right. As many puppies are in a litter, each puppy can have a diffrent daddy! Its wierd but true!
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh Sam not again! At least they are in good hands. I have #30 of dog food I could sned you but would probablu cost too much to send. Its left over from Jake. How nice of Wal-mart to let you host that adoption

  13. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    crazy fact ladies. I never knew that. The poor mama must have been a busy girl. :cry:
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL! :lol:

  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    thats what I always think!
    But it derives from the wild dogs. The more a bitch breeds with diffrent dogs, the less likley inbreeding will take place. SO it makes scence to me!

    The little hussies! LOL!!! :lol:
  16. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Sam, that is so good of you. I to have ask to do things for the shilter but they never call back. wanted to foster but, I jhave unspade dogs and they wouldnt let me cant see where it makes any diff if the other dogs are sp :roll: ayed and nutered. Walmart was wonderful to let you do this Good luck to you.
  17. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Sam I dont know how you do it. With your full load already. Good luck on Sat. I hope everyone finds a good home. I wish I was near you and I would come help! But sorry my cyber wishes is all I can offer!
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Little shy girl died last night unexpectedly.

    Conginitive heart faliure. Something about she got hot playing, and when her heart rate would go up, the blood flow would back up and she just couldn't pump enought oxygen to the much needed organs, and her brain. I got home yesterday afternoon, and she was lying there. Usually when I show up, they all jump up barking, and carying on. Well she just layed there, and I touched her (which is unusual, she usually runs off) She didn't move. I knew she was alive, I could see her breathing. So I kinda pushed her a little thinking maybe she's just in a deep sleep, but she just flopped on to her side. and her eyes were open.
    So panic hit then. I picked her up. She was burning up. Took her inside, rinsed her down with cold water and tried to get her to drink. Her little gums were white, paws were cold, and she just couldn't seem to catch her breath.

    The vets were closed, and there is no EMS vet around us. So of course I call good ol vet up at his house, and the prognosis was grim. He told me exactly what happened once he saw her and listned to her heart. It sounded like a garden hose with a hole in it! You could hear it pumping and a little swish. That was the limited amount of blood going through, and the pressure from the backed up blood. Her little veins on her ears were soo enlarged.

    So I made her comfy and she just took one last breath last night.

    Why can't people understand? Why do they continue to let dogs and cats and animals run around, non spayed, not vacinated, NOT CARED FOR!
    So they dump them, and the heartache and sorrow and pain is left for ME TO BEAR with!!!
    Not them. WHo has to dish out all the money to care for them? Me....and its begining to show.... I've got bills backed up, I need to buy myself some clothes...and when its starting to get to the point when I don't eat for a day or two, thats when I worry....and thats how it is.
    Damn it! I hate this yall, I just hate it!
    SOmetimes I cant, I just don't think I can do this anymore.... I really don't. I'm sooo tired. I don't sleep anymore, I've always got to do something, to care for them, to help them. THen the worst happens.

    It hurts soo bad. It just hurts. And my hearts not ever going to let me stop. People are alwyas going to be this way, not care, and have to dump it all on soemone else.

    "oh theres a good place to dump them!" I mean, what are people thinking!!!!! Do they treat their own children and families this way??? I mean really??? These poor animals didn't want this. They didn't ask to be born. They didn't ask to suffer. But they do.

    When are people going to learn?
  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh sam ((((Big hugs ))) I am so sorry to hear the hurt and frustration you are going thru. Is there anyone that can come out and help with all of the pups to help take some of the burden off??

  20. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I contacted a lady about doing some fostering. She's helping run the Adoption day this Friday. She's going to look around.

    Its not so much the burdon of them. Its watching the ones that are ill and suffering. Thats what hurts me. I have to watch them die.
    Its just doing a number to my emotions.

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