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New cichlid ideas ..?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by big-pig-666, May 16, 2006.

  1. big-pig-666

    big-pig-666 New Member

    im getting a new cichlid to put in my 75 g tank. i had 2 oscars in it and didnt care for them, i want either one or 2 cichlids with personality, looks and aggression. i was thinking either 1-2 jaguars (manguniese), 1-2 midas', 1-2 green terrors, 1-2 red terrors, 1-2 red devils, ect. any suggestions?

    PS, i don't like jack dempseys. :wink:

  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Basically, with any of the fish you mentioned, you could just have one with nothing else. Partly due to bioload (the jag is the only one that will completely max out the tank, but the others will come close), but mostly due to aggresion.

  3. big-pig-666

    big-pig-666 New Member

    oh allright, then one it is :p, still open for suggestions.
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Personally, one of these days I'd like to turn my 75 (after I get a bigger tank for my oscar & con) into a goldfish tank. They're not aggressive, but they've got loads of personality. They're also really cute, but that's probably the opposite of what you had in mind. ;)

  5. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    what abou firemouths ?
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Yeah, firemouths would be good. They're not super aggressive, but they are pretty.

    I bet a tank with a con, firemouth, salvini, and maybe a school of giant danios as target fish would look nice. If you could make sure you got all females, that ought to help a little with aggression too.

  7. MILO

    MILO New Member

    Have you thought of the demasoni? I just picked up one and think hes got loads of personality. He defininetly has way more personality then any other cichlids in my tank and is so much fun to watch.

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