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New Dogster page!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by bullylove1, Apr 21, 2004.

  1. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Hello all,
    I have just made Harley her very own page on Dogster. Considering how terribly I struggled to get her pic on this site, this was a very BIG accomplishment for me. WAHOO!! :kiss_puppy:
    Not that I am trying to solicite her or anything but I would love for her to have some puppy friends on there if any of you guys have an accout there. Also, feel free to add her to your list of friend. :lol:
    here is her page.
    Some new pics are up, and more are on the way!!

    Thanks guys, I just figured, since she can't make friends with doggies in real life, some virtual friends might be good for her. ;) hehe
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    like your page! harley is a cutey - or shaould I say that aobut a male dog :D I did have have a page but they lost everything awhile back and havnt redone it.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Nice page! Harley is adorable. :wink:
  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Honeybear, Harley is a girl. I know, I know, weird name for a girl, but when we adopted her, she was named and I didn't want to change it. My parents have a friend named Harley and he gave me a hard time over her name for a while. I just said it was a tribute to him. ;)
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    See I just knew. Thats our Wylie, everyone thinks she is a boy because of her name, but we thought it suited her.
  6. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member


    Harley is really cute and im really happy because I didn't kno how to show my pets and now I have a sight there too. THANX u can c my puppy and my bunny (who says it has to b dogs only errrr) @ http://www.dogster.com/dog_page.php?i=31349.
  7. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

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