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New happy Pekepoo owner

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by angel30, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. angel30

    angel30 New Member

    Just got my pekepoo last week and i am enjoying him.His name is Pookee and he is 7 weeks old. When i took him to the vet last week he only weighed 2.5lbs. I was wondering if anyone could give me an estimated guess of about how big he may get. I am hoping he stays pretty small.He is so sweet and layed back. Also any tips on potty training. I am using the crate method which seems to be working out well so far. :D
  2. Weeble

    Weeble New Member

    Welcome to the pekapoo club! We have a 15-month-old named Toby. He's been a doll from day one, except for potty training, which finally kicked in around 16 weeks. He'd hold it as long as he was in his crate, but when we'd take him out at lunch and in the evenings he'd pee every 15 minutes. Just get a cordless wet vac (like the Bissell Spot-Vac), it's easy to clean up and takes a lot of the stress out of the process until their little brains start to make the connection. (We're going through it all over again now with our new baby shih tzu, Lulu.)

    Toby started off about the same size as your little guy and topped out at 14 pounds. We were hoping for a 10 pounder but 14 is a good weight. He's sturdy but still "compact."

    Have fun with Pookee and be sure to take a lot of pictures! They grow up fast.
  3. Brattitude

    Brattitude New Member

    I have a 13 wk old peke-a-poo baby girl named Scout. When i picked her up at 10 wks she was 2.5 lbs and at 13 wks she is now 3.5 lbs. I'm curious as to how big she's going to get myself. I hear 10-12lbs is average.

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