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New Here and need advice

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by pppuppy, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. pppuppy

    pppuppy New Member

    Hello, we just brought home an 8.5 week old male shih tzu. He's absolutely adorable and very sweet. I found a great schedule for crate training and I've been following it for the past couple of days. Here's the thing...he goes (peepee) in the house every few minutes. I take him out frequently but I don't think that every 10-15 minutes is going to work. Should he be going that frequently? It's only a tiny bit every time he goes. However, I noticed when I took him out the last time that he can go a lot more than the few drips he lets out inside. Is he marking already? If so, what should I do? Thanks for any advice.
  2. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    How long are you staying outside with him? Do you bring him in immediately after he goes pee? I'm wondering if you could stay out longer ......? Also, I am assuming you praise him everytime he goes potty? Does he get a treat every time?

    Congrats on your new baby.... my friend just got a 9 week old shihtzu! :)
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Puppies this young usually need to urinate...
    after waking up, after playing, after eating, after drinking, after attention. That said Im always suspicious of any dog that is urinating small amounts too often and every few minutes, even every 10-15 minutes is too often.
    Either they havent quite got the hang of emptying the bladder when you take them to the 'designated area' or your not giving him long enough (it is very easy for them to 'forget' what theyre doing, what they are out for....as there ae so many things to 'investigate') or I would play it safe and have the vet check the pup out, just to make sure there are no medical problems.

    Hes too young to be marking.
  4. pppuppy

    pppuppy New Member

    I'm staying out with him until he goes potty and praising him every time. I think we're staying out around 10-15 minutes each time. Should I be waiting longer? Maybe I should see if he'll pee more than once? I'm making a vet appt. right now too. Thanks!
  5. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Gosh 15 minutes sounds like a pretty long time.... I agree with the previous post, and don't be alarmed.... but perhaps there is a little something wrong (maybe a bladder infection?). Let us know how the vet apptmt went.

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