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New mom to Shih Poo, already owned by a 1-year-old Shih Tzu

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Ajslady70, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. Ajslady70

    Ajslady70 New Member

    I just bought a Shih Poo from a lady who I believe accidentally bred her dog to her son's but could be mistaken. She didn't stick around long enough for me to ask as we were in the middle of a tornado warning and it was lightning like crazy and windy.

    She is so adorable!! There was a tornado warning last night and like a fool I went out to the next town over from us and picked up this little girl. She's a black and white Shih Poo with some tan around her tail and eyes and she's only 5-1/2 weeks old. EEK My son named her Sugar.
    The lady met us at a bank on the corner of the highway in this little farm town and she practically threw her at me and took my $100. Fairly cheap for them from what I can tell off the internet even though, yes I know, she's technically a mutt but SO Adorable! I am lost on what to do with her really though. I didn't realize until she handed me to her and a can of her food and this slip of paper that had her birthdate on it that she was way too little to be away from her mother yet really. She pees every time she wakes up and after she eats but doesn't poo and my vet said that was fine for a few days since she's tiny and hasn't taken in much yet.

    I have a crate for her with loads of soft towels and a little bag of beans that I warm up in the microwave for 3 minutes and it stays warm for a couple of hours that I put under a layer of towels. She also has a stuffed bear and a little chew rope in there. She already will whine and whimper and cry until I take her out and help her find the pee pad so that's good. I'm feeding her moist puppy food because she can't seem to eat anything else very good. She gulps water and gets a bit choked but does okay.
    She tries to nurse on my male Shih Tzu and he won't let her even go through the motions at least. He used to with a black kitten we had but I guess it's different with a puppy. I'm wondering if I could bathe her yet if I blow dry her on low heat after. I think she must smell like the mother dog and he keeps pawing at her pretty roughly and it upsets her.

    I got her an ex pen to keep my crazy Shih Tzu away from her when it seems she's had enough of him, lol. I got her a small can of puppy milk since it says to stop feeding that at 6 weeks and she's almost there and some Chicken Soup for the Puppy Lover's Soul dry and 4 cans of moist and also some tiny bowls for her, some extra large pee pads, and a tiny stuffed duck that she loves. I wonder if they docked her tail as I'm now noticing there is just a stub there and no cute curly Q like my Shih Tzu nor a bushy weird thing like our neighbor's toy poodle used to have.

    I've really enjoyed reading through the old posts so far. At least not too many seem to put down "paying for a mutt" around here. Granted, I only paid $100 for her but still...she's technically a mutt. I just love her to death already though. :)
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Wow, that IS young. Maybe you should wet down some of the dry kibble in the milk replacement.
  3. Ajslady70

    Ajslady70 New Member


    Oh I do! lol I didn't post and it just looks like I give her a bowl of milk but I crunch up the dry kibble into smaller pieces and then put that in the bowl and some milk replacer and then a bit of wet food on top of that and make it all a pile of mush and then microwave about 7 seconds to take the chill off and she loved it. She's slept and slept this afternoon. :)
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Oh, OK! Sounds like you've got it covered. How much does she weigh??
  5. Ajslady70

    Ajslady70 New Member

    Hmm good question. Ya know....

    I don't really know. She's not very heavy at all. I would say maybe a pound at best. My vet said to bring her in when she's 6 weeks to start shots.

    She wakes me up about every 3-4 hours now instead of one to two hours with the milk replacer in her tummy so that's good and I think it even helped her poo. She's done that once yesterday evening and once this morning.

    She pretty much has a little routine of waking up and going to her pads and peeing and then whining and crying until I come get her and pick her up to take her to make her bowl of water and a bowl of milk and food smashed up and then she eats and drinks and goes to pee again and then plays with my male Tzu for a bit, which is great that he takes care of her and occupies her for me while I clean up bowls. He wears her out playing and then she's ready to lay back down close to her heating pad usually or a few inches away from it. I think it warms up the crate she has in her ex pen so she likes that. Three or four hours later, she's back up and it's all that over again. HA :)

    I'm just grateful that I'm engaged and getting ready to move to California from Missouri to be with my fiance and so was quitting my job next week anyway but this way I'm going to quit tomorrow. I'm pregnant and don't feel very well anyway so take a lot of sick time. This just gives me a reason to take off a week earlier so I can spend time doing all that needs to be done with a pup this young, although I think she might be much easier to housetrain being so young. I could be wrong. LOL :)
  6. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    welcome to the board! if/when you have pics of your shihpoo, be sure to share with us :) I'd love to see!

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