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New Multepoo won't eat Help!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by kipper, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. kipper

    kipper New Member

    My Multipoo is 8 weeks old and when we got him he was eating dry nurti nuggets mixed with cesar canned food and he would not eat when he arrived to his new home. So I was told to give him veal baby food just to get him to start eating again and then slowly mix in a new dry food.Well this little guy ate the baby food and now that I started to mix dry back in he won't eat again.If any one has any ideas please let me know.I tried to start him on Royal Canin for small puppy breeds (that is what the pet store suggested)
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Try moistening a few nuggets of dry food with warm water or broth and offer those. The warm water or broth will intensify the smell of the food, and make it more tempting. If he refuses to eat it, don't say anything, just pick it up, put it away, and wait about 20 minutes. Warm it in the microwave, and try again. If he still won't eat, pick it up put it away and wait another 20 minutes. He won't starve to death in an hours time. But if he gets the idea that you'll pull his food away if he doesn't eat it, he'll be more likely to chow down while he has the chance.

    But with him being so young, you don't want to let him go too long without eating. If he still hasn't eaten after an hour, you may have to give in and offer something he will eat. Then try again at his next meal until he get's the idea that if you snooze, you lose.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I have always prefered giving dry food for many reasons BUT there are exceptions, if the warmed, moistened food isnt working go back to the canned Ceasers for a while, Im thinking that at 8 weeks this is a tiny pup, its just not worth the risk of his blood glucose levels dropping which they can do rapidly if they are not eating regularly that and the fact that he is only 8 weeks, his teeth might just not be ready for the harder food. You can always add more of that in a few more weeks. Be careful though about switching with a lot of different foods as it can give them diahrrea.
  4. kipper

    kipper New Member

    Well now he won't eat anything not even babyfood or cesar I have been giving him Nutri-Stat to keep his bloodsugar up and have forced a little bit of food in his mouth.He drinks just fine but Im worried something is wrong with him!Does any one know what could cause this? Stress?? Thanks for the help!!
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Stick to what he was eating from the get go. after you have him home for a few weeks, he will be feeling more at home, then if you want to switch to a better food slowly do it. Too much switching around is going to upset his tummy and cause diareah. Let him get comfortable with his new home. So far the only thing he would be familiar with is the food. Also try sitting down on the floor and hand feeding him. Leading him to his bowl.
  6. kipper

    kipper New Member

    Ok so I finally took him to the vet because he just wasn't doing well at all.When they looked at him they said he might not make it and they didnt know what is wrong with him.He was just limp and not looking good.So they pumped him with fluids and put him on antibotics and also towards the end found out he had a tape worm.Well they gave him some meds and we are just trying to shove some food in him.Hope it works he is a strong little guy.Has this happened to anyone else?
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Sounds maybe like parvo. What percent of chance did the vet give you. Where did you get this pup from?
  8. kipper

    kipper New Member

    The vet did not say what percent he has just feed him and come back tomorrow.What makes you say Parvo I dont know much about that. Also I got him from a breeder in my area.
  9. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Has he had any vaccinations? Does he have a stuffy nose or discharge from his nose? Did the vet do any bloodwork? Puppies with a heavy parasite load can be anemic.

    Maybe instead of trying to stuff food down him, you could try syringe feeding him puppy milk replacer. That would also help to keep him hydrated. Ask your vet about it.
  10. kipper

    kipper New Member

    He has had 2 sets of shots and no discharge from the nose.The vet could not do any blood work because they could not find a vain because of him being so small he is only a pound.
    Thanks for all your help!
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If he is this bad right now I would take him back to the vet and have him hospitalized, did they check his blood glucose levels there? They only need a tiny amount of blood for that and unless hes critically dehydrated in which case he should be in the hospital now, a vet should be able to obtain enough blood for it.
    With parvo your going to see vomiting and diarrhea along with lethargy and loss of appetite, with 'most' parasites when they are heavily infested you will usually see diarrhea. Another thing in young puppies (maybe depending on location) is coccidia which can be fatal if not treated. All these tests can be done with a stool sample they dont need blood.
    Although from what youve said in your posts it sounds more like hypoglycemia.
    (But keep in mind that Im not a vet and he needs medical attention if he's as bad as you say)
    If hospitalization is not an option and the vet thinks it is hypoglycemia and the Nutri-stat isnt working get some 50% Dextrose, put it on his gums and under his tongue, it'll absorb into the skin and into his system quicker than swallowing it.
    Good luck
  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I forgot to mention, make sure he is staying warm, being so small and being ill, their body temperature can drop pretty quick and of course, just in case, make sure he is not over-heating either. I dont know if you have a thermometer at home, if you do his normal temperature should be between 99.5 and 102.5 F
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Kipper....Just wondering how your pups doing?
  14. kipper

    kipper New Member

    Well Kipper is doing much better. :eek: I just made him eat & drink on Sunday night and he seemed to be getting more & more energy.By Mon. morning he was getting to be his playful self again.Amazing he is going to be just fine he is slowly eating on his own.Thank you so much for all the help & info!

    (He is on a medicine to get rid of worms and on amoxicillian in case of an infection.)
  15. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek: Thankyou for letting us know.....Ive been watching the board all day hoping you'd post something. Im really happy for you both.
  16. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Me too. I am extremely happy he pulled thru. Keep some nutri-cal on hand to up his sugar level if he won't eat. Thats great news.

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