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New Photo Contest! And the winners are....

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by nern, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. nern

    nern New Member

    The theme of the new photo contest is:

    And the winners are:
    1st Place is #40 with 8 votes


    2nd Place is #1 submitted by footsie & #14 submitted by Mary_NH with 7 votes

    3rd Place is #32 submitted by lynnhaz with 6 votes

    Runners Up are #17 submitted by Chessmind, #19 submitted by Chessmind & #23 submitted by nern with 5 votes


    The contest will end Sunday September 12th @ 10pm EST. Each member may vote once per day over the next 10 days. To cast a vote, simply reply to this message or send me a PM if you wish to keep your vote private. Please include the date (because of time zone differences) and the number of the photo you wish to vote for. Enjoy! :D

    1) "I know there's a q-tip in here somewhere" - submitted by footsie

    2) "Party? What party?? I didn't have a party?!?" - submitted by wtpooh

    3) "This stale water is sooo much nicer than the fresh water in my bowl!" - submitted by Starry

    4) "Friday night was made for fighting" - submitted by Starry

    5) Milo: "I'm not scratching the garage door mommy, just trying to pull the door open so I can go out and smell the flowers! " - submitted by vene

    6) Rene: "Rene: That's not me, it's Vene!" - submitted by vene

    7) "NO RENE! Stop, come down here and leave our badminton trophies alone! You're in big trouble missy!" - submitted by vene

    8 ) "Psssst, Rene come here. I don't think mommy is watching us right now. " - submitted by vene

    9) "Common Rene, hurry up before mommy finds out!" - submitted by vene

    10) "Milo, are you sure we should be chewing on the flowers?" - submitted by vene

    11) "Milo, *gulp*, I think we are in deep doodoo. Mommy is here. Run for it!" - submitted by vene

    12) "I think I can make it!" - submitted by Deb2950

    13) "I lub my bird." - submitted by Mary_NH

    14) submitted by Mary_NH

    15) submitted by Mary_NH

    16) "Hurry Juliet and sniff the 'NO' chair before he spots us!" submitted by Chessmind

    17) "Juliet I told you not to climb the fake plant at the same time as me! Now look what you did! It's okay, Romeo. Look we can still climb it." - submitted by Chessmind

    18 ) "This litter is way better than the stuff at home." - submitted by Chessmind

    19) "Okay, I got the toliet paper in the bowl! Juliet, hurry and push down on that handle!" - submitted by Chessmind

    20) waiting - submitted by kathy5

    21) "hello lunch" - submitted by kathy5

    22) "No, I'm not clawing the chair again. I'm just stretching my legs." - submitted by sunset05

    23) "What? I was just getting ready to help you dry the dishes." - submitted by nern

    24) "Come here fishies......I want to eat you" - submitted by jennlo75

    25) Domino says: "I wasn't getting trash out again Mommy, I was just making sure it was all inside the can." - submitted by Jenn

    26) "Ohhh, what's in here. I hope it's not tea. I hope I don't get caught." - submitted by sunset05

    27) "SURPRISE!!! " - submitted by adrian1181

    28 ) "NAP TIME!" - submitted by adrian1181

    29) "oh please let us stay here a little longer it's our first day away from our fur mommy" - submitted by Rene

    30) " aaaaaaawwwwwww to i have to get off the dinner table look how cute i am " - submitted by Rene

    31) MAX: (in a soft whisper) "Shhhh....ok...hear's the plan...i'll go sneak and get us some snacks...while you watch for her..."
    MIKEY: (responding in a soft whisper) "Ok...I'll start sneezing really hard...that always gets her really upset". - submitted by lynnhaz


    32) MAX: "MOMMY!!! MIKEY PUSHED ME IN HERE!!! I DIDNT DO IT!!! MIKEY DID IT!!! - submitted by lynnhaz

    33) MOMMY: "Well...you like it so much in there...you can just stay in there, Max!!! Good riddance...damn cat! ^&%$* *(%$##" - submitted by lynnhaz

    34) MIKEY: "Well he's gonna get in alot of trouble...not me...i'm just doin regular stuff"

    MAX: "WEEEEE!!!!! WEEEEEE!!!!" - submitted by lynnhaz


    35) MAX: "if he thinks he's gonna get this...he's got another thing comin..." - submitted by lynnhaz

    36) MAX: "I wonder what mommy was talkin about on the phone today when she said she thought i was a 'bad influence'...i wonder what that meant?"

    MIKEY: "I think mommy is gonna send him to one of those treatment places for bad behavior " - submitted by lynnhaz

    37) submitted by FMgurl43

    38 ) submitted by FMgurl43

    39) submitted by FMgurl43

    40) submitted by wtpooh

    41) "I think I'll help myself to some of this left over turkey." - submitted by nern

    42) "Hmmm....each time I touch this lever water drips on my paw." - submitted by nern

    43) "Nobody can see me hiding in this bucket." - submitted by nern

    44) submitted by adrian1181
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    My first vote for 9/3 goes to #4 "Friday night was made for fighting" - submitted by Starry. I can't get over the face that cat is making. :lol:
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :y_the_best: :eek:

    my first vote of the contest goes to........................

    :0018: WTPOOH....#2!!!!!!!

    (P.S. even though my post says saturday...i voted at 10:20pm on friday, sept 3)
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Nern. Once again you've done a great job with the photo contest. :y_the_best:

    It's so hard to choose just one pic! They are all so funny! :mrgreen: But I have to make one vote for today (9/3), so my vote goes to #23 Chieve lounging in the dish rack.

    How come Super Model Pepe is not in the contest? :(
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Oh boy, oh boy, so many pics to choose from. I love them all! :0016: My first vote on 9/3 goes to #14, Mary's Zeus! :eek:

    9/4- #1 Foostsie's Footsie, the little troublemaker! :shock:
  6. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    My first vote for Friday 9/3 goes to #27 "Suprise" by Adrain. That second picture with it is just toooo cute. Play hard=Sleep hard :)

    My vote for Saturday 9/4 goes to #19 "TP" by Chessmind. I laughed so hard when I saw that one. I could just picture Juliet pushing the handle and having the whole roll go down the drain...lol
  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Today's vote goes to #40. It is hard, though. They are all good.
  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Saturday's vote: #23
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    sat 9/4.....

    NAP TIME....#28....sleepin after being naughty. :p
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    #19 is my vote on Sat. whatever the date is LOL

    Zeus wants to know if he can vote for himself and if not how much catnip can he send to bribe for votes :roll:
  11. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i liked #23 Chieve lounging in the dish rack.
    hehe though they are ALL so darned cute
  12. jennlo75

    jennlo75 New Member

    My vote for Friday 9/3 is..........# 14 by Mary_NH

    For Sat 9/4 I vote for...........#32, Max in fridge, WAY to funny :)
  13. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    my vote

    #1 footsie
  14. Jenn

    Jenn New Member

    My vote for 9/4 is #14
  15. nern

    nern New Member

    This sure is tough.....all the photos are soooo adorable!

    My vote for 9/4 is #13 "I lub my bird." - submitted by Mary_NH
    That is such a sweet picture. :D
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    9/5 #37 Jason with big fish submitted by FMgurl43 :mrgreen:
  17. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    9/5 - My vote goes to #4. That photo makes me laugh!
  18. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My vote for Sunday is No. 17 - naughty kitties in the plant.
  19. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    It's Sunday 9/5...time for another vote!

    #25) Domino - submitted by Jenn
  20. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    jason kitty....#37 with the big fish!!!!

    JASON!!! SAY HI TO OTIS IN HEAVEN!!!! AND VENE....AND HANDSOME...AND ALL THE KITTIES...( including wtpoohs milo that i voted for in the last contest...hes at rainbow bridge too... :wink: )


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