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New Poo-Chi puppy questions?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Valentina, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. Valentina

    Valentina New Member

    We just got a 10 week old Poo-Chi on Friday 2/11. I have been home everyday with her since, but have left for alone for about 2 hours on a few occasions. I keep her locked up in the bathroom. So far she hasn't had any problems with it, no accidents. I have been training her to go to the bathroom outside, although I always leave a pee pad in the bathroom with her, I just don't know if she knows what it is for -- probably not.

    Anyway, I will be out of the house for about 7 hours tomorrow. I could probably get someone to come over once during that time to let her out.

    So, here are my questions.

    1. Is it possible to train her to go to the bathroom outside and on her pee pad? Or is that too confusing?

    2. If so, how do you train them to use it? I can't get her to stay on it.

    3. Is it ok to leave a 10 week old alone locked in a bathroom for 7 hours?

    4. When do this get easier??

    *Edited to add another question...

    5. What do everyone think about adding some dirt from outside to a small litter pan to keep in the bathroom?

    Valentina's Mommy
  2. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    I have a maltipoo and she uses a litterbox. I leave her alone for 7 hours (in the kitchen) but she is also 7 months old. I think your pup will be fine left alone as long as she has enough food and water. When you know she needs to go potty, put her on the puppy pads, that way she knows what they are used for.
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Instead of dirt from outside, get a piece of sod or artificial turf. The artificial turf works really well, because you can hose it off and use disinfectant on it as needed. And it still feels like grass to their little feet.

    To train her to use it inside, try taking it outside to her potty place a few times, until she goes on it. Then it will smell right and feel right. After that, it's a piece of cake.

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