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New Puppie

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by CockatielCrazy87, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    Well we all know i have a Zoo and really don't need one more dog unless we're adopting them out. Well today I was in town and this older woman who lives above the insurance place was sitting right outsied the door with two puppies little tan and brown, and black and white mix breeds boht males. She said she foudn them the night before in a dumpster and was looking for somone to take them. Their small almost toy poodle pup size but the look really different. So i called up my mom and said i had two adoptables on the way. This was around 9 this morning since then both pups have been to the vet, had baths, been played with, named and are now napping in Tophers doggie bed lol.

    Our vet said they look about 9 weeks so just weaned probley. We will probley keep them until they are four months so in that time we can house train and obediance train and search for the perfect owners for them.

    Our vet also told us that they look way to mix bred to tell what thaey are but thats ok with with me. But I will describe them to you with their temp names. The tan and dark brown puppy I named Snicker. Snicker ia all tan with white paws, and a white time on his halph tain halph brown tail. He has two brown ears and a brown mouth, brown ankels. and a brown patch around one eye. He is too cute. The black and white pup i have named Shy for obviouse reasons he is the shyer of the brothers and it takes him a while to warm up. Shy is jet black with white paws, a white chin, bell, a white tip on his tail. and his hind left left is halph black and halph white wit black toes.

    Both puppies are too cute and i would love to keep them but seven dogs is just to much. But hey i still get them for two more months of so lol.
  2. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    That sounds like so much fun. What a wonderful thing you're doing, CockatielCrazy...

    I wish you could get us a picture!
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yep, that would be alot. I'd feel happy to be able to care for them and find a good home for them, then you can do it again. Good job on being such a caring person.

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