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new puppy and old dog good idea?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by CuteBlonde587, Jul 10, 2004.


a new puppy?

  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  1. CuteBlonde587

    CuteBlonde587 New Member

    i currently own a 10 year old cockapoo. my family really wants to get a puppy. a poo mix preferably. do you think this would be a good idea? will my cockapoo get depressed or mean? shes my number one priority and i want to put her first. do you think they would get along? can you recamend any good mixes? please answer me soon thanx so much.[/quote]
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Quite honestly, I can't really answer your question until I have a good idea of your dog's temperament, and how he reacts when in the presence of other dogs.

    Some older dogs (and even younger dogs, too) will simply not tolerate another dog in the home for a wide variety of reasons - he/she doesn't want to put up with a bothersome puppy (biting, jumping, barking), he/she simply doesn't get along with other dogs, he/she thrives on being an only dog and doesn't want his/her attention to be taken away by a puppy coming into the home, and so much more. On the flip side, some dogs would absolutely love to have another dog in the home! What's best for one dog, is not necessarily the best for another. It all depends on your individual dog!!! :y_the_best: For that very reason, I didn't put in a vote on your pole!

    With that said, if I had to recommend a poo mix, I would of course choose a Shih-Poo only because I have two myself and absolutely ADORE them!!! (I shouldn't be biased though, there are many other great poo mixes out there besides shih-poos!) However, I am not going to recommend that you get one unless it is in the best interest of your dog, and until you are highly confident that he will be accepting of a new dog!

    Hope that helped put things into perspective! :D
  3. Juana Chavez

    Juana Chavez New Member

    Well a puppy brings alot of hapiness to a home, also your dog might enjoy the company of another pooch because they can paly and even make the old pup feel younger. I should know because my father's pekes have an 4 to five year difference beteween their ages and they love each other with the occasional small scuffle for my dads affection but it never goes farther than that :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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