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new puppy pics

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by moose, Apr 15, 2004.

  1. moose

    moose New Member

    ok, let's see if i can get this to work!
    adopted this little fellow saturday from the shelter i work at (1st time i've done so, which is saying a lot since we have so many great dogs come through there). thinking he's a border collie/terrier mix of some sort. he'll be 3 months old at the end of the month and is already 15-20 lbs. anyone have an opinion as to what he's mixed with??


    he's very sleepy tonite -- we went for our first big walk earlier (it's been raining/snowing since the weekend). hopefully i can get more action shots up soon!

  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    He is very cute. The first pic wont load and i cant tell from the second pic, so I have no clue what he may be mixed with. Such a cutie though, give him a hug for me.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    He is precious! I'm not sure what he might be mixed with though. :?
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Ok now I see the first pic. Still dont know what he may be mixed with but I love the little hair sticking up on top!
  5. winnie

    winnie New Member

    he is really cute.....so adorable!!!!!
  6. Jody

    Jody New Member

    He is soooooo cute.....Wouldn't have a clue what he is mixed with tho..... :wink: :wink:

  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    He's adorable Moose! I also like the little hairs sticking up at the top of his head. LOL. Of all the dogs at the shelter what made you decide to get him? Meaning what set him apart from the other dogs? He sure is cute. I like his frog toy too.
  8. moose

    moose New Member

    what set him apart from the rest...hmm...well, his mom came to us in january too far along in her pregnancy to do anything about safely, so she went into a foster home with our shelter manager. when he and his siblings were born we all got email updates with pictures of the pups. it was one of those things where we all got really attached to them just listening to our manager tell us about how they were doing, etc. when they'd come in for their shots, i always thought he was the sweetest/cutest of the bunch and was surprised when he got passed over for adoption for 2 weeks straight. just figured it was one of those signs that i should take him! :wink:
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Moose is a cutey :D he looks like he has some wiry fur, maybe some JRT? and then the spots hmm - mabe aus shephard. I t was fate that you have Moose.

  10. klf

    klf New Member

    what a cutie!!! :y_the_best: what did his mother look like? how big is she? his ears look funny in a good way, they look like they come to a point and curve up a little! I was thinking a jrt or a wire haired-fox terrier mix but the weight is what is throwing me off! enjoy and takes lots of pictures!!!
  11. moose

    moose New Member

    i thought his face looks like a jack russell as well -- though he's *much* too big for that to be a possibility i think. his mom was a 45 lb. black terrier looking dog -- sort of like a mini irish wolfhound. she did have a little white on her legs though.

    3 of his siblings look like little rottie mixes, so i'm assuming mom had more than one suitor :shock:
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Maybe even pointer. Possible rat terrier or JRT. My dog has spots on his skin on the legs but you really just see them when he's wet. Your pup is three months right. Their coat goes thru alot of changes. Rufus was a slim 11 lbs. when I got him, not alot of hair now he has thick(did I say thick) thick hair. Double coat. Very collie like. You will be able to tell better as he gets older.

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