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New Tiny Toy Poodle not eating!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by daltrey, Sep 26, 2004.

  1. daltrey

    daltrey New Member

    I just got my new puppy a week ago. He's 10 weeks old. Since we got him, he will only eat about once per day. No matter what we do, he doesn't seem interested. Yesterday I got pretty excited because he ate some Wellness canned puppy food, and seemed to love it. BUT today we are back in the same boat. He was being fed Kasco at the breeder, and we had not even attempted to switch him to a better quality food until this Thursday (we got him on Sat. the 18th). We thought that maybe he just disliked the food, but we wanted to give him a chance to adjust before we started switching things up on him. When he hadn't eaten since noon the day before, we decided to buy some Nutro dry food to mix with the Kasco so we could wean him off of that. Friday he hadn't eaten until 3:00 pm (we offer the food numerous times, and he sniffs it and then runs away), so I fed him the wellness mixed with the softened dry food, he ate it all and wanted more. Then this morning he wouldn't eat and didn't eat until 12:00 and then it was reluctantly. He hasn't eaten anything since then, and refuses to even come to his food dish. I don't know what to do, he hasn't lost any weight yet, but he hasn't gained any at all either. Today he has slept more than usual and he is very mellow (usually he is running around tormenting the cats) he is not exactly lethargic, but just not acting puppyish. I work for a vet, and he doesn't seem concerned and our manager told me that he would eat when he was hungry and that it doesn't hurt them to go without. I disagree... he's so tiny (2lbs 6oz), and with a tiny puppy like this, low blood sugar is dangerous. He has been eating less than 1/8 of a cup per meal, and is getting about that much per day. I don't know what to try next...
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Give him some can food tonight and some honey ...the hoiney will keep his sugar level up ,not too much but feed him about a quarter teaspoon every few hours (if not any honey ,then anything sweet ,no chocolate thoguh 0 ,tomorroe ,get him some nutrical either at the vetts or pet co ,pet smart or continue with te honey until Monday .also smooth peanut butter and boiled chicken ,beef or anything he will eat ,make sure the bones are out of it too ,if he seems not to be drinking ,get some lemon gatorade at tthe nearest store open and start giving him sips by syringe or spoon abouit every 30 minutes until he drinks ,get to the vet as soon as possible ...
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Daltrey.. you'll get great advice here, so I'm just here to send a HUG! I'm sure your baby will be fine... just make sure you keep us posted k? (also, welcome to the board! :eek: )

    And, you're right.. you MUST watch that blood sugar level!!
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    How is that baby this morning ?
    I reread and saw that a vet ? belelieves it is okay for a puppy to go without ...NOT !
    also get some baby food ,the kind with meats ...either the newborn for awhile and get a spoon /syringe and feed him ,also if he will eat babyfood on his own get the 2nd kind meats only ...just keep some nutition in him as much as possibe
    takehim and have them give him fluid under the skin ...will keep him from dehydrating ,also keep up the gatorage and the nutrical or honey until you get some nutrical .
  5. daltrey

    daltrey New Member

    I gave him some honey last night and he felt much better. After a few minutes he decided he was hungry and ate some Wellness. This morning he acts much better, but I ran and got some nutrical just in case.

    He is so cute though, and so smart. He is already telling us he needs to go out, and he has only had two accidents since Monday. :D He's my first puppy of my own, as I have only had cats in the past. I can already tell he will be so spoiled!! My boyfriend didn't want a puppy, but I finally wore him down, and he bought me Daltrey for my b-day!! He was determined not to like him, but when we went to get him, he fell in love too. The cats even seem to like him...

    Thank you all so much for the advice. I will post pictures soon.
  6. daltrey

    daltrey New Member

    I gave him some honey last night and he felt much better. After a few minutes he decided he was hungry and ate some Wellness. This morning he acts much better, but I ran and got some nutrical just in case.

    He is so cute though, and so smart. He is already telling us he needs to go out, and he has only had two accidents since Monday. :D He's my first puppy of my own, as I have only had cats in the past. I can already tell he will be so spoiled!! My boyfriend didn't want a puppy, but I finally wore him down, and he bought me Daltrey for my b-day!! He was determined not to like him, but when we went to get him, he fell in love too. The cats even seem to like him...

    Thank you all so much for the advice. I will post pictures soon.
  7. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Continue the nutrical or honey for at least a week ,a coule times a day ,you will see a much improved puppy ..It was his sugar level down making him blah ,not wanting to eat ...
    Great he is feeling better ...glad I could help
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Great job, Malti!! Malti to the rescue!! :)

    Once Daltrey is feeling better, please post some pictures of your new baby. I would love to see him! (I think we all would)

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