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New to this site- I already like the feedback I have read

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by toyiak, Jul 7, 2006.

  1. toyiak

    toyiak New Member

    I am a first time dog owner as of November 2005. I purchased a 4 month old Pomeranion and I am so in love with her.

    Sugar is her name and I am really excited that she will be celebrating her 1st b-day on July 18th. Which is why I am posting...Any thoughts on feeding a puppy b-day cake from Great Dane? In case some of you may not know, great dane is a bakery just for dogs.

    My kids tell me that I over do it with Sugar but hell I over due it with them as well so who cares what they think.Everyone on this site seems MUCH more experienced in knowing about animals then my kids and myself.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi and welcome :D

    For a minute there I thought I read that you wanted to feed your puppy in a birthday cake to a Great Dane :shock: (sorry...Im on a different time zone and its late.....)

    No, I think if you want to give your pup a birthday cake then the best thing to do is get one specially made at a dog bakery, Ive been in one in Beverly Hills and there was a good one in Palm Springs, they took care to put in only dog friendly ingredients so no sugary stuff, nothing too rich or anything....I would just watch that your pup doesnt overeat and keep in mind that sudden changes in diet can cause diahrea.

    Hope Sugar and your family have a great birthday.
  3. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    And i read it as a cake made FROM a great dane! :lol: Silly me! Have a ball on your birthday party, as a pom breeder, i am sure you have the most wonderful pup in the world. But then again, i am just a wee bit biased.

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