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not dog related, but exciting!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member


    I worked at the Houston CIty zoo for 2 years. I used to love giving Shanti and Ty and Symera and Ci carrotts and then walking over to my Giraffs and giving Kiva and his lovely baby girl carrotts and all kinds of treats!!

    I was there when the first Ant eater "Annie" had a baby in captivity! Then we found it dead the next morning. She had layed on it and suffocated the ugly little thing!
    They live in the same enclosure as the Tapers...We thought it was them, but later watched the cam and realized what happened. Very sad for all of us, but a great deal for breeding in captivity!!!
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    That's incredible!! Hard to imagine a 338 LB baby. Sure hope Mommy and Baby do O.K. together.
  3. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    I'm awfully glad I'm not an elephant! 12 months of pregnancy foloowed by giving birth to a newborn who weighs about as much as a copule of large NFL players~
    hope they both thrive! :eek:
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    pyrmom: Actually it's 19 to 22 months gestation. That's almost 2yrs.

  5. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    duh, I KNEW that~ lol, I swore that my first pregnancy was going to last as long and since I had gained 79 3/4 pounds, I was as large. Just consider the fact that the memory ain't what it used to be!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    79 lBS!!!!! I ain't never getting pregnant!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

    I did get pregnant about a year ago, and didn't know. I had my period the whole time. Then come to find out I was 4 months pregnant and had severe problems. My body aborted it and I had to go in for assistance. It about killed me. I never even knew. With in days it was all over with. I still feel like it was a dream. But I never showed, had symptoms, or gained weight......what was sooo wierd, I was on BC and he is ALWays protected. We use a foam and rubber, and the whole 9 yards!!!! So how it happened was a mystery. But I guess now I see that it was a blessing. I couldn'thandle something like that.

    I think 9 months is WAY tooo long!!!!

    Here's a little intresting facts for ya:

    Gestation Periods for diffrent animals:

    Equine: 11 months
    Bovine: 9-10 months
    Elephants: 22 months
    Swine: 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days
    Canine: 9 weeks
    Feline: 63 days
    Camel: 406 days
    Hyena: 110 days
    Opossum: 21days
    squirl: 44days
    Goat: 145 days
    Rhino: 550 days

    Whew!!! Thank god I'm not an elephant or rhino!!!
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    sams i was 20 when i got pregnat with my daughter i only weighed 103 (i was excited i passed 100 it took 20 years) i only ended up weighing 143 when i had her well actually both my kids i gained 43 lbs but since i was so young it went right away then i hit 30 *sigh* and got the middle age spread good thing i was skinny when this happend geez. I have never had to loose weight before now i'm really haveing a hard time.

    You are still young if it happens when you are ready the weight will go away pretty fast :lol:
  8. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    My average weight was 103-105, I went back down right after the baby, to under 100 with emergency gall bladder surgery (the little sucker beat it to death)! My original "due date" was Thanksgiving. My son was born the day after Christmas! Back then, they just WAITED.

    So, with toxemia all the weight gain and a pregnancy that seen\med to last forever, you can see why I was comparing myself to an elephant! I went from a size 5 maternity outfit to a 15 (and THAT was only in dresses as I couldn't fit into anything else!). At 5'3' I was almost as wide as I was tall~lol

    By the time I was 23, I had 3 children and was still a size 5. Oh, the good old days! Who says God doesn't have a snese of humor? Ever wonder why you find your clothes shrinking (seemingly overnight) while you sleep?

    Oh, well....after nearly 35 years of amrriage, I just tell my husband that I'm twice the woman he married, far more "well rounded" than I was as a girl!

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