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Nutering my 7 year old dog

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by kayfrantz, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. kayfrantz

    kayfrantz New Member

    Please help. I need some advice on my 7 year old Rot,Shep,LAb mix. He has not been nutered and has started cuasing some problems. We live in a rural area and he loves to roam around the neighborhood. One of our neighbors hates him being on her property. And it has become a huge problem. Our dog is very hard to keep contained he gets out of every fence. I hate to have him tied up all the time I don't think it very humaine. I am wondering if nutering might help his roaming behavior. I have wanted him nutered from the begining but my husband is aginst it. What do I do? Will nutering even help this situation.
  2. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    In my experience "Yes" it will help with him roaming, he is obviously patrolling his area, and maybe there is some female dogs around to on your neighbours property, ask the vets about it 7 years old is a little gettin on but I cant see a prob if he is very healthy without any medical problems... He certainly should of been done alot younger but never mind.. :wink:
    Talk it over with your vet, but when we got our Rotti done he settled down beautifully and became a lovely big sook lol...
  3. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    Definitely. There is only one reason to keep an animal unaltered, and since you are not breeding, he should be neutered. Intact males will do what males do.......ROAM. And if you are in a rural area with livestock, the chances of him NOT coming home one night are very good. Not sure why your husband is against this, but i would get the dog fixed. You can have neuticals implanted, if it will make you man happier :lol:

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