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Nutering my 7 year old dog.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by kayfrantz, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. kayfrantz

    kayfrantz New Member

    Please help. I have a seven year old Rot, Shep, Lab mix. Lately he has started causing problems in our neighborhood. We live in a rural area and our dog love to visit one of or neighbors although she hates it and is getting very angry. We have tried fencing him in but he get out of everyonr we have put up. We have also started tying him up but it seems so inhumane to me to have him tied up at all times. I'm wondering if getting him nutered will help. I have wanted him nutered from the begining but my husband is against it. I'm not sure what to do I don't want him roaming around but is getting him fixed at this point really going to solve the problem?
  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Neutering not only should help keep him from wondering, especially if a female comes into heat in your part of the world but neutering is also good for his health. Un-neutered males can develop prostate problems and testicular cancers and frequently do.
    Please do not tie him up as I have know two dogs that have strangled themselves to death getting the chain or rope tangled up.
    You can find many web sites describing the benefits of neutering, heres one:

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