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Ok need advise

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    WEll We've gotten enough people who already want to put deposites on puppies and are ready for herding and showing, from Smokey and Char. Char is coming into heat now. SO My question is. Should we go ahead and have one more litter? Granvel and I have been talking about this for quite a while now. And I'd rather do it before she gets any older. WE agreed to have one more litter (this will be her 3rd, 2nd with us) We agreed no more after this. Then she gets spayed. SO Reckon we aught to go for it???
    I've got a wonderful couple in Colorado thats ready to transfer money NOW! They want a sheep herding dog. Another couple is in Indiana (We have a pup there now, and their friends have fallen in LOVE with their dog!!!) THey are heeler nuts and want an adjility dog. Two couples from California and one wants a family dog (friends to the other couple) and the other couple wants a flyball/ adjility dog. A couple from Fortworth want a cattle dog, and one from SanAntonio want a cattle herding dog, and a lovely couple from NEw Jersey want a family dog, and so does their daughter and her husband.

    In her previous two litters she had 7 puppies. So I'm guessing if we do breed her agian, she'll have 7 or less. Well I don't know. All have sent VOD (verification of deposite) stating the money is there and they are all ready to send it. The couple from NEw Jersey has been waiting a year and Indiana has been too. The man from Fort worth has been waiting for two years.

    Soooo what do yall think? I've got my puppy contracts ready, and Granvel says the Char and Smoke fund is sufficient enough.....(they have their own bank account, ems savings in case of an emergancy, puppy savings enough to cover all vac and health charges, and emergancies.
    SO should we take the plunge?? Granvel say's yes. He wants this last litter and we're going to keep one, and he said these people have been waiting, we called all of them, and they're all eager to get theirs!
  2. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    Well it sounds like alot of people are wanting new puppies, I say go for it. You will make a few families happy. I think your girl can do it one more time. I hope everything works out well with whatever decision you make. Good Luck. :D
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh seh's an absolutely wonderful mommy! She lad all her puppies last time with in an hour, had them clean and nursing! One would wonder off, she'd go and get it. and then one we called cry baby, He never shut up, so she would put him between her front paws and rest her head on his tummy. Then he'd shut up!!!! (he went to the vet alot! we thought something was wrong with him, but after blood test, fecal, xrays the whole 9 yards and ($700 later) he was just spoiled.

    WE still keep close contact with all the puppy owners. Except for one in California, who some of you remember about!!! Grrr mean and nastly ol woman!!!
    I have a puppy in Fort worth that is doing great in adjility!! I got some action photos of her in the mail. She came in 2nd out of 6 in her age group! I'm soooo proud!!
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I say go for it.

    One question though, how do you transport out of state during the summer. Air carriers wont allow it, because of the heat?

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    WEll if we breed her now (which will be on tues-friday of next week) she should have the puppies (inside in my bed room) around mid August. Then the puppies that are going to Texas families will leave at 8 weeks, and I will not ship until they are 12 weeks. SO It'll be mid october before they are ready to be shipped. I really recommen everyone come pick their puppies up, and I do require meeting with the families first face to face. But I will ship if I have to. October isn't so bad. I shiped October of last year and it was good. The only problem I had was I don't go for any layovers or transfers. All are shipped on non-stop flights. SO I had to go around areas that were too cold.....
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    duh, forgot she has to get pregnnt first come to term and then wait. guess I had a blonde moment

  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    They also have air conditioned vans that transport acroos the U.S. I beleive. Go for it, as long as you know you have homes waiting.
  8. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I say go for it also. We haven't had to pace the doggie maternity ward since Mike's Mitzy had her pups last March.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We're going to do it! I told Granvel at lunch that I decided to go ahead with it! He's estatic! He tries to play "BIG MEAN MAN" in front of everyone, but he's such a softie! The last litter, He played with the pups more than I did!!! he he he.... So Chars Got an Apt Monday to find out her ovulation stage and full check up, blood work, the works! So when I get home, Its clean out the "mating suite" he he he.... We've got a bigger kennel to put them both in at the same time.....so they can do their "business'' un disterbed. And we can monitor them, log the "locked UP" dates and times.. you know the drill!

    She's sooo cute when she was pregnant! She knew we were happy, and boy did she play the "I'm Miserable, rub my tummy!!!" act.... he he he

    If yall knew how excited and happy I am at this moment, You'd be laughing :eek:

    :eek: :eek: :eek: I'm gonna be a Grand mommy, I'm gonna be a grand mommy!!!! :eek: :eek:
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh and as most of yall know, THe money that I get off the puppies, I usually charge $500 males, $500 females. Plus shipping (if applicable) IF the dog is going for family purposes only, $250. All must be spayed and neutered at 6 months of age or earlier. They are all Interviewed, have to have vet recommendations, and I have to have property inspections: where the dog is going to be kept most the time, how long he/she will be left alone, exc..... PLus puppy contract signed, and all have limited Registration through WKC, CKC, ACDCA, and ACDCA.
    Plus each is to have a $50 non refundable deposite and all must Face to Face choose their puppy. They can come and have a Playday with the puppies and spend some time learning about the breed, play with the individual pups, and see which one fits their needs and wants.

    But all the money except for the initial deposite, (I put back in the Smokey and Char fund account to cover what I used) goes to help the rescues and some I donate to other rescues.

    I think I have a photo of Chars last litter on her Dogster page...
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    just curious regarding the diierence in price. do yo charge more for the working dog because they may breed them?

  12. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Well, you better post her dogster page then, silly woman!!
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh yeah, forgot!!!!

    No, The only way they can breed them is one they lie to us and say they got them fixed, but they can't register them. Or two we check the dog out at 2 years of age, 2 vets agree the dog is is good health, and excellent condition for the breed standard and another breeder, who I highly respect agrees as well.

    $500 is usually the adoption fee for them. But if the puppy doesn't meet the standards or isn't cut out to work (and some aren't) then we'll let them go for family dogs. All my puppies begin training at 4 weeks old. Its hard but they learn to be potty trained, leash trained, and by 8weeks know some basic obediance. Ie, Sit, stay,(thats a very hard one!!!) and down. If they are going for herding. We start herd training and introducing the pups to cattle at 6 weeks. They learn really fast!!! Of course they don't work hard or very long. But get the idea that thats their job. We'll let them go with Daddy a few times and he'll teach them the basics of it. Mostly a show and learn ordeal.

    The $500 includes all the vaccinations, Vet checks (healthy, temperment, fecal, blood tests) a full puppy kit which iclueds food, coupons, Frontline (2 months worth) health certificates, reg papers, books on the breed and photos of last litter, collar, leash, toy and their ID tubes. I also microchip.
    and what I feel is worth my time.....
  14. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    sonds good to me, now what's the link for your dogster page!!?? :mrgreen:
  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    that makes sense.
    I was watching animal planet and it was about disability dogs. and they put the dogs thru tests like at 8 and 10 weeks, simple things lik howe they socailize, etc. the ones that didnt pass became family pets and the others were off to be trained

  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

  17. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    ohhhh, how cute! Can I make her and harley pals? She doesn't have ANY and she is vey lonely :cry:
  18. nern

    nern New Member

    Wow, you've really got everything well planned out. Sounds great! Best of luck.
  19. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member


    Well they have been put together and safe from any "roaming" males. SO We'll see what happens.

    He's such a gentleman, he thinks he's real slick too!!!
    He'll walk up beside her, and lick her face then casually put an arm over her back.... Kinda like"hey baby!" Then he'll try and mount as slowly as possible, ( I guess he thinks she wont knotice) and then She'll turn and bite his head off!!!! Its sooofunny.

    This morning she was standing for him. I haven't seen them "lock up" yet, but my Mother in law is babysitting. So WE'll know for sure!
  20. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    hehehe Oh Sam, what a smooth operator you have on your hands there!! He must take after Granvel!!! :wink:

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