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older cat urinating on bed

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by treeskids, Jul 23, 2005.

  1. treeskids

    treeskids New Member

    I desperatly need some advice. I have 4 cats, ages 13-15. One of the cats constantly pees on our bed, couch, or anything laying on the floor. We have two cat boxes in our bedroom and clean it everyday. My hausband wants to get the cat put to sleep. Is this an unethical thing to do? He doesn't want to pay a vet bill, just thinks the cat is getting old.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    this cat should be checked for a urinary tract infection WHICH requires a vet bill. UTI are painful to any animal and they hide that pain well.
    I would agree - if your hubby won't let you vet the cat and find out if there is something physical going on it's probably best to either have them PTS or rehome. They do require medical care now and then.
    I'd start there first and if the behavior continues then find out if it's either litterbox or litter related or something stressful going on. But medical is always the first thing to check - usually when our cats change habits like that they are sending a message the only way they know how
  3. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    I think it's very unethical to have a cat put to sleep because he pees on things. It could be many things, urinary tract infections, problems with the litterbox, or he could just be old. No one would put a person to sleep because they were elderly and couldn't control their bladder anymore.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I agree it is very unethical...but if her DH isn't going to let her spend money on medical care for the cat(s) it's better to have them humane PTS or rehomed than let them be sick and go untreated.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Don't you have to pay a vet anyway to put a cat to sleep? When Pooky was having frequent urination in and out of bed and litter box, we took him in and he was diagnosed with end stage renal failure. We elected to put him to sleep to end his suffering. The bill was very low for the urine and blood tests that our vet performed. If it's an UTI, it should be relatively easy and cheap to treat.
  6. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Either way, you're going to have to pay a vet bill.

    Really, its up to you. How old is this cat?
  7. treeskids

    treeskids New Member

    The cat is 13 years old. I have had him since birth. I have never changed the brand of litter I use, so I really don't think that's it. I plan to call the vet on monday and have him checked out. Thanks for all of the advice.

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