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Older Yorkie & baby poodle

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by JoanR, May 17, 2004.

  1. JoanR

    JoanR New Member

    How do I post my questions to other people? I'll just try.
    I have a six year old four lb Yorkie who has been princess of this home.
    Now I've brought in an 8 wk old, 2lb 11oz poodle girl who wants to
    bite Missy and I don't want Missy to be intimidated in her own home.
    I have crates, etc. for daytime and nighttime. chew toys - etc. I'm wondering = it's only been two days - will this ever resolve itself for the older one? I am thinking of moving the little one out, which will hurt -
    but I love my older dog too much to put her through this misery.
    I'm very watchful, but it happens before I know it. The little one is
    so quick. Any thoughts for me? Will appreciate it.
  2. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    I think what I would do is put the puppy on a leash and attach it to your person. That way you will know what the little bugger is doing all the time. Then when it starts to bite the older dog you can stop that right away. A stern NO and a tiny jerk on the leash should do it.

    I have added several pets to old pets over the years. Some are a little harder to train then others but never give up! It will soon seem like the new member has always been there! :D
  3. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    When i bring in a new dog what i do is have a squirt bottle and when it does something it should not i say NO as i squirt it. it doesnt hurt it and my pugs know when i say no i dont even have to have the bottle now the yorkies know this also. didnt take long for them to learn. I was teasing around with grandkids with it and they dont like it either. their mommies get a little hot under the collar so i quit with them.LOL

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