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OMG I'm So Worried

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Chezza, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    :cry: :cry:

    Jay has come in with a massive lump on his head :cry: :cry:
    He is lethargic and slow and dopey, the vets are not open till tomorrow morning :cry: :cry:
    It looks like someone has hit him over the head, why would someone do that to my baby, he is sooooo friendly and gentle and would not hurt a fly :cry: :cry:
    I wiped the area where it is and a whole load of puss came out and blood too :cry: :cry:
    It looks like a hole. :cry: :cry:
    Can someone tell me what else I can clean it with until tomorrow morning, straight up he is going to vets..
    He's my precious boy
    :cry: :cry: :cry:
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Oh, im so sorry Chezza :cry: Is he eating and drinking as normal? Have you done a search for emergency vets in your area? Or maybe you can call your vet's private number? I don't have any advice on the lump/wound, but I know it's important for him to get enough water, or else he could get dehydrated. Mary has a mix she recomends, but I can't remember the ingredients right now...

    *big hugs*
  3. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    :cry: :( :( OMG I am sorry to hear about Jay!!! that would be horrible if someone did that. It sounds like he got a bite or a little scratch and it got infected..... sometimes those things "blow" up overnight with puss and junk..... Keep the area clean and I would suggest some kind of saline because it is sterrile.. Push the puss out if you can the less in there the better that's what the vet will do anyways (flush and push) they may surgically open it a bit more or put a drain in it??

    Keep us informed!!! Poor Jay and Poor you!!!

    is there any kind of emergency vet anywhere close??
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I would call the vet - they probably have an answering service. Even if they recommend he wait until they are open they could probably tell you waht to do.
    A puncture wound isn't anything to mess with. You don't know how deep it might have gone with. It's also possible no one hit him, perhaps he was attacked by a dog and got bit in the head.
    The mixtures is AD cat food (canned) which you get from the vet so proably won't do you any good if they aren't open.
    NutraCal, pedialyte and mix into a gravy and syringe feed.
    Get some chicken or tukey baby food (no onions) and see if he'll eat that warmed up.
    I would search around for a vet who is open
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Oh my gosh. That is terrible. How is Jay doing today? I sure hope he is alright. Please keep us updated.
  6. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    All the vet's I know have an after hours emergency number. Another alternative would be an animal ER clinic.

    It sounds like Jay may have possibly been shot and the bb or what ever lodged under the skin perhaps.

    Please keep us posted on this. I am so worried for Jay.
  7. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Ok update, I rang the emergency number just after I posted, they did have one, he was drinking to much water and I pinched his skin he was dehydrated there was no way I was going to wait, thank god they had one, he was panting which means his temp was up too :cry: :cry: Come hell or high water I would of traveled to another vet if I didn't get him in.. He was admitted last night over night, to go under anesthetic .. He has an abysses :cry:

    The vet said he must of got into a fight and got bitten by another cat, he got a shot of antibiotics straight away.. He was such a good boy, he layed there calmly while he got examined for any other injuries, even when he rolled him on his back, he just layed there, he was soo good, the vet loved him, he said I wish all cats were as gentle as him.
    Anyway he goes under Anesthetic today to flush out all the infection, and I can pick him up this afternoon, he has to stay on antibiotics untill its cleared and back to vet for a check up..

    Other than the abysses he has a clean bill of health, he said his teeth were perfect.
    I will post later when iv picked him up..
    Thank you my friends for being so caring..
    Me and my furbies are lucky to have you all ((((((hugs)))))). :love_y_t_much:
  8. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    That's such wonderful news! I'm so relieved.

    Now, I order you to take at least 20 deep breaths and relax because I know that you've been a basket case.

    Hugs to you both :)
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    what a good boy :eek: he knew he'd feel better soon.
    Those abcesses can certainly be dangerous.
  10. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Chezza I am sooo relieved that Jay is going to be ok!!! Abcesses are nothing to mess with and can get very ugly and dangerous to the health.....I'm very glad that you knew some of the signs and got him medical attention as quick as you did!!! You are such a good mom!!! Our fur babies are our family and we have to be able to look at them and see if they are not feeling well and take them to the doctor.
    Glad that he is going to be ok..... :eek:
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    You gave me quite a shock. Thank goodness he's alright. You must be so relieved. :eek: Good job on the quick thinking and acting! :y_the_best:
  12. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    LOL Cassie, I was.. :D
    I'm picking him up very soon, the day has dragged on and on..See how how my baby is, I'll bet he will be soar :(

    So it will be extra extra spoiling and extra cuddles :wink:

    Thanks again guys for all your support..

  13. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    YAY he is home.. :eek: :eek: :eek:
    Doing well, it was a massive abysses :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry:
    They cut it all out, and flushed the whole thing clean, he has stitches and drains to drain any more infection if there is any, but they reckon it was a good operation and they got it all out.. The vet said he was a true gentleman, they all fell in love with him lol :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    He charmed everyone..
    He is a bit tired and woozy but ay ok :y_the_best:

    He is not allowed to eat tonight, he is meowing profusely at me for his dinner :cry: But I know better.. :wink:
    I'll give him a small brekky tomorrow. :D
    Im soooo glad he is ok..
    The Vet said you got him here in excellent time before it got worse, he said he has had some people come in with cats that are in bad bad shape.
    :| How people can do that is beyond me, I would of driven to the City if I had to, to get him seen.

    Anyway here is some piccies of him....




    Back In His Bean Bag.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :eek: :eek:


    It looks like he has horn :mrgreen:
  14. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I have to keep telling him off :( He keeps licking his paws and rubbing his paws over the wound..

    Tiff wont go near him, she is hiding from him, I think its the smell maybe of the vets or the anesthetic. :)
  15. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so glad everything is okay. I bet Jay is so happy to be back home and in his familiar bean bag. He's such a cute kitty.
  16. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I bet he is glad to be home and I bet your glad to have him home..... I can't see the pic's here at work does he have to wear an e-collar?? that will help keep him from messing with the stiches and drains....
    Will have to wait to see the pics until I get home tonight..
    Glad he is ok now!!
  17. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Chezza. So glad he is doing well. That was quite a large injury! Those pics really showed us how bad it was. Thanks for posting them and I wish him a speedy recovery. It will take a few months for all his hair to grow back. He'll just be punk rock cat for a bit. :wink:
  18. vene

    vene New Member

    Awwww poor baby. Sending well wishes his way. :m10:
  19. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    LOL Chessmind, he will :D
    Thanks guys for all your kind thoughts and wishes
    He has scoffed his Brekky :lol: He loves his food :mrgreen:
    He is so much brighter today, back to his old self, he is even playing, so he is feeling so much better. :y_the_best:
    I've never come across anything like this before, they have never had any injuries before. So he will spending all his time inside..
  20. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    good for you :y_the_best:
    my mother had a cat that used to go outside. Time and time again he'd come home with horrendous head wounds and my mother would have him vetted. He was being torn apart, slowly, by a raccoon the vet figured due to the severity of the wounds.
    My mother wouldn't stop letting him out - one day he never came home. this cat she has now stays inside.
    He'll learn that inside is fine. Get him some new toys - perhaps do the cat swap. Keep him occupied. He'll soon forget about the outside world and he'll be safer.
    I'm glad to hear he's improving. If he'd been a person he'd probably be in the hospital for days. Always amazes me how quickly our pets bounce back with things we'd be laid up with for some time.

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