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Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by LuvMyPets, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. LuvMyPets

    LuvMyPets New Member

    My new swordtail is acting alarmingly. I was in bed, about to fall asleep, and I looked in my tank, and saw something orange swimming back and forth very rapidly and recklessly. I got up and sure enough my swordtail was laying bottom up at the bottom of the tank, not dead, but not moving other than to breathe. I netted her, and attatched the net to the side of the tank with a clothespin, just so they other fish can't get at her. She's not swimming, just laying upside down, occasionally breathing. I don't know what to do :( Will she be ok? can fish have seizures? it sure looked like one. She might be stunned, I'm pretty sure she hit the side of the tank. If she dies, since she was recently having babies (just released another one this morning) is there a way to save any live fry she might have? Should I squeeze her? Please respond ASAP! :cry:
  2. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    Maby shes just in shock from having babbies? She dosent have ICH or any thing like that dose she? Any white spots or white poop?
  3. LuvMyPets

    LuvMyPets New Member

    I'm pretty sure she's gone now, not moving, not breathing, mouth stuck wide open.....

    I don't see any white spots, but could I put and Ich med. in there anyway, just in case, for my other fish? The kind I have is Rid-Ich+ from Kordon (I think that's what it says, the price sticker is in the way)

    Is there a way to get any babies that might still be alive in her, out?

  4. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    Not sure never done any thing like that sure chel could tell you if there is a way. I would say try pinching her belly, you can try that if you like, start a little behind the gills and slowly go down.
  5. LuvMyPets

    LuvMyPets New Member

    I tried it (boy is she hard to hold, very slippery) but she was done.

    She was a nice fish to look at, even if it was for only about a week, and she gave me a lot of babies

    :cry: Poor thing..........
  6. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    sorry to here about this, about how many babbies you got?
  7. LuvMyPets

    LuvMyPets New Member

    Having some trouble counting them, at least 15 I'm pretty sure, I'll let you know when I can get an accurate count!
  8. Ryan

    Ryan New Member

    So you have only had this fish for a week right? Try taking it back and geting a new one.
  9. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    What are your readings for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte? Also, check to make sure your heater isn't broken.

  10. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I would just say that it is stressed.
  11. needlefish1

    needlefish1 New Member

    hmm........... it could of died from just being unheathly.
  12. LuvMyPets

    LuvMyPets New Member

    I just checked my heater, its fine, and I wish I could return her, but there's a 3-day return policy. She could have been stressed, but why would that cause her to have those seizure-like things? That's what confuses me. I'll try to get the tests done as soon as I can
  13. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    ok, and make sure you come back with the reading in numbers, not just that the test said it was good, etc.

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