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One of my goldfish

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by betta lover, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

    I just put in one of my old red headed goldfish in my 30 gallon tank with my other new goldfish (She's not old really I've just had her for a year.) when I checked on her she was at the bottom of the tank, she wasen't dead. but she seemed kind of down. But when I put some new goldfish (and put one of her breed) she seemed to be a lot happier. Could she have been loney, or something?
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    She could have been stressed by the move.

    Also, it's really not a good idea to introduce new fish to your current fish w/o quarantining them first. The new fish could be carrying diseases or parasites which may infect your current fish.

    And like I said in your other thread, common goldfish need at least 50 gallons each. Fancies need at least 15 gallons each. Your 30 gallon isn't going to be big enough for all those fish for very long. How big are they all?

    And by red headed, do you mean red cap oranda?

  3. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

    Yeah thats what my goldfish looks like. Their are 12 goldfish in there ( Its moms fault she when crazy on the fish sale ) 4 of them are 3 1/2 inches The fish that was stress is 3 inches, 3 of them are 2 inches, and 1 of them is 1 inch.

    They seem to be getting along, but I know some of them are going to get bigger, I'm a bit worried about that.
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    So you have 12 1" - 3 1/2" goldfish in a 30 gallon tank?

    That tank is WAY overstocked right now. What are your readings for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte? Assuming you only have the 2 commons and the rest are fancies, you should have at least a 250 gallon tank to house them all.

  5. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

    And mom won't get a second tank eather...What am I going to do? :cry:
  6. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    If you can't get another tank you will either have to take them back, or if the store can't/won't take them. Then make a for sale, free to a good home, etc... poster and put it up around your neighborhood and all of that good stuff. See if your local grocery store has a community bulletin board.
    Good luck with the fish
  7. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

    Umm Actually my tank is 40 gallons and does it make a difference that the tank is a hexagon?
  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You're still trying to keep 250 gallons worth of fish in a 40 gallon tank. And yes, hexagon tanks generally have less surface area which means less space for oxygen exchange.

  9. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

    I also have a air pump running in the tank. Thier all really small and they are getting along. Mom and I made a agreement. When the fish get bigger we will get a second tank.
  10. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I think you need another tank now.

    Get test kits for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte and post the results here.

  11. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

    Uhh actually a few of the fish did die. There were 12 in there now there are 6 in the tank. 1 fancy died (the one I intrduced in the tank earlier, Coral) 3 common goldfish died (Wildflower, Ember, and Flamethrower) One bugged goldfish (Angel) One black, white and yellow goldfish (Oyster). :cry:
  12. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I'm sorry about your fish, but you still need a bigger tank. That one is only big enough for 2 fancy goldfish.


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