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Options for Tank with no plants.. only rocks...

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by drab911, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hey everyone, well I just got a new tank yesterday for free.. whoo hoo cant beat free.. but anyways i am guessing it is just a 10 gallon.. the demensions are, 20" (L) 10" (W) And 13" (H)
    Anyways.. my other tank is fully planted and I love it.. but I want to have something a little different as my last and largest tank is going to be saltwater... so I was wondering if there are any kinda of fish.. I dont mind if it is just like one or 2 fish in the ta nk.. but are there any that just like having sort of rocks and maybe some driftwood?? No plants??? I saw a pirranah tank once with only rocks but I dont know if mine is big enough or if that was good for the fish.. any opinions would be appriciated
  2. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    and also.. will any rocks do that I find around lakes.. as long as I bleech them or something?? Thanks
  3. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    clean the rocks realy realy well, and u could use em, maybe dip them in a bit of salt water as well (rinse after). Well you could get most fish that work in a 10g in a 10g mainly rocks. Most fish would prefeer a plant of 2 too simulate more of a natural enviroment.

    2 tall green plants and alot of rocks would look nice.
  4. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    To test if you've cleaned the rocks well enough, pour just a little vinegar on it. If it bubbles you need to clean better, otherwise you're good to go. If you're planning on making caves you should also go ahead and glue the rocks together with aquarium silicone to make sure that they don't fall down if they get bumped by the fish or the tank itself is shaken.
    I would think that any fish would be okay in a rock only tank, it would just be perferable to have plants.
    Sorry, hope that helped somewhat.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Not quite. If it bubbles with vinegar, it means it will leach calcium carbonate in the water and increase the hardness & pH and you shouldn't use it at all.

    If you'd be willing to throw in some shells, a pair of Lake Tangyanikan shell dwellers might work.


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