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oscar help

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Mudpuppy, May 31, 2004.

  1. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    how big of a tank do u need to keep an oscar live and happy? :p
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    hmmm i think t_chelle said for one oscar u might need about a 75 gallon....she will come in here and provide you with all of the information you need
  3. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    ok thanks .... cuz im getting a job this summer and im wondering what a good sized tank i should get so i can get some awesome fish :eek: 8) :y_the_best: :mrgreen:
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    how many oscars would you want and what size tnak would u be looking at to buy?
  5. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    well, i was thinking of buying a 50 to 75 gallon .... and i just think that oscars are cool but if they cant fit in a 75 then i wont get one
  6. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    hmmm........a 75 gallon should b good for about 2 full-grown oscars i believe.
  7. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    sweet, how much do oscars cost and how big are they when u buy them ?? and what other fish can u keep with them?
  8. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

  9. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    is it hard to take care of an oscar??
  10. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    this is from one of t_chelle's posts...
  11. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    oscars usually arnt that expensive.... to buy a 4 inch oscar at the petsmart over by me it costs about $10-$12 each....i am not sure on any tankmates, but i think a plecostomus would be fine. these fish are relativly easy to care for as long as you have had expierience with fish keeping.
  12. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    The general rule for oscars is 50 (or 55 since it's more common) for the first and 25 for each additional. However, I personally don't agree with that rule.

    A 55 is fine for one as far as bioload goes, but the standard 55 gallon tank is only 12" wide. Oscars can get 14 - 16 inches including their tails so a 12" wide tank is going to be a bit cramped. A 75 gallon tank will give you an extra 6" width and be much more comfortable for the oscar.

    I have recently come to the conclusion that trying to keep more than one oscar together is really a gamble. I went by the general rule and got a 75 gallon for my 2 oscars. They where best buds and inseperable up until about 3 months ago when they suddenly turned on eachother. Today it got to the point where I am seriously considering getting rid of one of them. I really wish I didn't have to do it, but I'm afraid to leave them together (I currently have a divider in the tank). This happened in just a 2 hour span.

    So unless you have at least a 100 gallon tank, I don't recommend trying to keep 2 oscars.

  13. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    ok thx .... so i think ill try to get just 1 oscar .... in a 50 gallon .... but ill find a 50 gallon with good demensions like .... good enough for the oscar to be good :y_the_best:
  14. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

  15. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    damn chelle, where r u ????!~!~!~!~!~ :( :?: :roll: :x :? :shock:
  16. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Sorry, I've been out doing yard work all morning.

    A standard 55 gallon tank (Walmart has them relatively cheap) would be okay if that's as large as you could get.

    As for the type to get, that basically depends on your own personal preference. The only one I don't recomend getting is blueberry oscars because they are dyed.

    Also, the "zebra" oscar listed there is just a juvenile tiger or common oscar. It won't retain those markings as it gets bigger.

  17. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    chelle, how much does the 55 gallon cost at walmart ... and does it come with any accessories ?!!? :shock:
  18. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    chelle, what type of oscars do u have ... or what is that blackish fish with the redish stuff on it ?!?!
  19. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    It's been a while since I bought mine, but I think the tank costs about $150 and comes with a filter (although it won't be enough for an oscar), hood/light, and (I believe) a heater. The stand will be another $150ish.

  20. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    could a columbian shark be good with 1 oscar in a 55 gallon ?

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