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Peeeeeing, where not suppossed to.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Chico, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. Chico

    Chico New Member

    My name is Chico and I am a two year old Llhaso Apso and every now and again I will get the urge to pee in certain area's in the house.

    Although I am housebroken my master and mistress do not understand why I do this and are thinking of getting rid of me.

    They take me out on a regular basis, but every so often I will pee were ever. Why just the other day I peed on the floor in front of my mistress while she was walking on the tread mill. Could I be seeking more attention? As it is they take me out in the car severl times a week, take me for walks, cuddle any time I want to.

    Last night I really got in trouble, I peed on my mistress's bed. She did not find out until she went to bed. I was sleeping with the master in "our" room with the door closed, so I never got into trouble until this morning. The mistress was sleeping in the guest bedroom, when master and I went out for a walk this morning, so I knew something was wrong

    I have full freedom to roam the house except the guest bedroom where I used to pee on the bed. My owners keep it closed.

    I never pee on the masters bed, because we sleep together, and I don't want to foul my own spot.

    I know they love me very much, never hit me, just scold, and are trying very hard to cure me of this dreadfull habit.

    Please Help, Chico
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hmmmm. Does Chico get taken out often enough? Has Chico been checked for any physical problems such as a bladder infection?

    The best way to combat this problem is to supervise Chico. Chico must be watched at all times and confined when it's not possible to watch him - like to a crate or to a room with a linoleum floor.

    Chico's mommy or daddy should go outside with him and praise him for going potty in the right place and give him cookies. They should also put a command to it (such as "go potty" or "hurry up") which can be useful for many things.

    If Chico starts to go inside, since his people will be watching him - interrupt him right away and wisk him outside and praise him for finishing outside. Even better, get to know the warning signs and stop him BEFORE he starts - look for circling or extra sniffing or restlessness.

    Does Chico know how to ask to go outside? If not, teach him to ring a bell on the door. And take him out every hour (for now) whether he asks or not. Increase the amount of time between trips outside if he doesn't have any accidents.

    Clean up any accidents with a product that neutralizes odor such as Nature's Miracle.

    Good luck, Chico!

  3. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Hi- my name is Cameron and I am using my mother's account to write you back. I am a 1 1/2 year old pug/beagle mix who seems to have the same habit you do in that even though I am housebroken, every once in a great while I decide to pee in the house. I prefer the basement, because it is far away from where I "live" upstairs with my parents, but my parents caught me and now I am not allowed in the basement. My mother has concluded that I only pee in the house when I really really have to go, because I haven't figured out a way to let my parents know when I want to go outside, though they have tried everything with me, I just can't seem to catch on to the concept. Anyway, what she does when I can't hold it and go in the house is spend the next couple weeks taking me out extra often so that I never have to "go." This really helps, because it makes me forget that I ever went in the house, and I remember that it is best to go outside, where I don't get scolded for going and instead get treats :D When I have shown her that I have broken my indoor habit, she slowly goes back to our old schedule, and I learn to abide by it. However, she is always aware if I drink a lot of water or am extra active, because then I will probably have to go out more. My mom and I are pretty happy with this arrangement, so hopefully it will work for you and your parents!

    P.S. Even though I don't get the telling my parents when I need to go out thing, maybe you will catch on better than I, so I would ask your parents to at least try teaching you :)
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Check for UTI.
  5. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Best thing is taking your dog on lotsa walks everyday...more then usual.... that way the dog should get used to being outside when peeing. I dont know much about this topic but i have heard of something where its a "disorder" where the dog always will go inside the house no matter what.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have always read that a dog will prefer to go on whatever sort of surface he is used to peeing on - like grass, or carpet, or concrete, etc. So the more accidents Chico has, the harder it will be to break.

    Definitely take him outside more and try to teach him to let you know when he has to go.


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