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Peeing problems!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by KittyTales, Jul 8, 2005.

  1. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    Help!I got a new puppy 6 months ago from the shelter and he is pretty smart!He knows how to sit, give you his paw,lay down, bark,come here, and get him!My cats even taught him how to use the litter box to poop!
    But he cant learn how to pee on his training pads or out side.He always pee's on the carpet! :x I did try using the special spray stuff to make him pee on the training pads or something but it's useless... :( Any suggestions would REALLY help.(I hope)
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    how long are you outside for? Because sometimes you just have to wiat a bit. And are you going for walks or just going outside? because sometimes that helps. Another choice is don't let him touch the carpet and take himdirectly outside, or keep him on a leash attached to you. Good luck!
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You need to choose whether you want him to go on the pads or outside and then stick with one of the other. Whatever you choose, you need to watch him like a hawk when he is inside. Gate him into a room with you or attach him to your belt loop with a leash or something. Don't take your eyes off him! Take him outside (or to the pad) at least every hour to begin with, as well as after playing, eating, drinking, or sleeping. They have to go RIGHT AWAY when they wake up, so don't delay. If he's small enough, carry him outside so he can't start too soon. Stay out for 5 minutes or so and if he doesn't go, bring him back inside but watch him even closer or crate him. Take him out again in about 10-15 minutes and try again.

    When you are outside, try putting a command to it. As SOON as he starts to go, give the command word and then praise him. Keep the praise low key until he finishes or you may interrupt him! Give him treats when he is finished.

    Clean up any accidents in the house using an enzymatic cleaner such as Nature's Miracle or Get Serious. You can use a black light (sold at pet stores) to see if there are spots on your carpet where he has gone before and clean those, too.

    Any accidents he has are YOUR fault for not watching him closer, so don't punish him! Just clean it up. If you catch him in the act, interrupt him by clapping or making a loud noise and hustle him outside. Watch for warning signals like excessive sniffing or circling and bring him out BEFORE he squats.

    You must go outside with him EVERY TIME and stand there with him so you can praise him for going. Also, when mine was a pup, I would let her play for at least a minute or two after going so that she didn't think peeing meant the end of play time.

    Even after he "gets it" he may not actually ask to go outside. You need to just keep taking him out regularly and watch him for signs he has to go. Eventually, he should figure out how he wants to tell you. One of mine just sort of paces near the door, or if we don't notice her she'll walk back and forth between me and the door. The other one never asks, but she seems able to just hold it until the next time she gets let out, whenever that is.

    You can also put a bell on the door and teach him to ring it when he needs to go out, but I wouldn't worry about that right now.

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