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Pet Education

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ummm, educating people about pets, not educating pets.....anyway.

    So, I mentioned once that I am going to try to get Bonnie certified as a therapy dog. I also mentioned that I wanted to try to put together a program and visit schools to educate children on dog safety and pet care, bringing Bonnie with me on visits.

    Well, I happened to mention it to a volunteer at the shelter where we got Nala, and she said they already have such a program in place! They are having training classes for new volunteers soon, so I called the coordinator.

    She called me back last night and we talked for a while. There are two programs - one is called Circle of Friends and is about dog safety, pet care, and how to select the right pet for your home. Info is here: http://www.waysidewaifs.org/services/services_education.asp

    Then apparently they have another program that is aimed at reducing violence against animals. They quoted statistics about how a lot of people in jail for violent crimes against people have first commited violence against animals. They said I could work in one or both programs.

    I am so excited! I meet with her today (with the dogs) and the training meeting is on August 1.

  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I think it's really neat that Bonnie will be a certified Therapy dogs. It's a great program.

    Here they have convicts train dogs for Service Dogs for the disabled. The inmates along with trainers train the dogs for 6 months. Sometimes they have articles in the papers and on the news where the dogs complete the program and the inmates introduce them to the new owners. The inmates are usually crying when the dogs are given to the new owners and the owners are crying and hugging the inmates because they're so grateful to be able to have these dogs.

    I also thought it would really be neat to use Therapy dogs in the Hospice Programs for the terminally ill. I've heard that terminal patients can live longer and have a lot less stress when having a pet present.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Bonnie needs to be with us for 6 months before I can have her tested. In that time, I need to get her to learn "stay" and to be okay if I leave her with another person and leave the room. I also need to get her more used to crowded places and lots of noise.

    I am going through Delta Society for her certification, and I am thinking she will only have limited status for the first year or two - that's where they are approved to go to only quiet, more controlled facilities.

    I am thinking she would be excellent with elderly people and also with children. I happened to meet the local Delta Society tester at an agility trial, and she said there are lots of places here that they visit that are for children.

    The educational program at the shelter is a totally different thing. The dogs aren't certified or anything - they are just brought along to help teach the program.

    I have heard of the inmate programs. There is one a few hours from here. They don't train service dogs, but they train shelter dogs in the basics. I thought it would be a great place to adopt a dog that is already trained and socialized and housebroken.

  4. asdmom

    asdmom New Member

    my girl scout just passed her certification for therapy dog work. i can't wait for her to get the registration packet in the mail so i can get her registered and we can start visiting kids in the hospitals. she really adores children. patience of a saint with my son and the neighbor kids. i also thought it might be fun to teach children about responsible pet care and pet interactions. the AKC has a program called canine ambassadors. i checked into it and am waiting for some info in the mail. you can take your dog to schools and teach children. maybe if we start at this age in 20 years or so the current overpopulation and general mistreatment of pets will have diminshed some.
    good luck :D
  5. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Wow, this is a great idea!

    Floob's way too bouncy to do something like this with, yet. He does love everyone and everything tho so it's something I might look into when he's, erm, matured a little... he's male though so I won't hold my breath hehe.

    Hope all goes well and keep us posted on how you all do on visits!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh Jamiya!! Thats WONDERFUL!!!! I've been trying to find a program like that around here. But I'm looking for something like visiting schools with the dogs, horses and a few of the ex-show cattle, and some other of my barn animals. Just to let children know about what the animals are, how to treat them, and what they are used for. Like where milk comes from, stuff like that....
    I think Children now a days take things for granted, and you'd really be amazed at how many children don't know where Milk Came from. Have never seen a goat. Things like that. And its sad.
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jimiya, that is great news :D Bonnie would make a wonderful therapy dog

  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hehe, that's where I am with Nala. I told the coordinator that Nala is better trained than Bonnie (theoretically) but Bonnie will make the better therapy dog and education dog for now. :)

    I will look into the AKC program as well, asdmom. I have to make sure I agree with what is taught in this shelter program before I do it. There is at least one trainer at the shelter that I do not agree with.

  9. nern

    nern New Member

    How exciting...sounds wonderful. I hope it works out for Bonnie, it sounds like she would make a great therapy dog
  10. Jules

    Jules New Member

    That is fantastic Jamiya!
    People really don't know how to act around dogs, because they don't understand them. My friend came over the other day and Leela was playing by mouthing her and she thought she was being attacked! I was also at the park yesterday and a man was shooing at my dogs but saying "come on" at the same time. This is my dogs play/release word!!! People always come head on, towering over dogs and pat them on the head. What an extreme showing of domination in the dogs eyes.
    I was thinking a school program would be good here- try and dispell some myths. The kids will then go home and tell their parents what they learnt. There are alot of Muslim kids over here though and I don't think they are allowed to touch dogs.
    I might look into it and see if there are any programs such as this around here.
    Leela might make a good therapy pet one day because she loves people and has a heart of gold! But she is way too young and bouncy at the moment!
    Good luck Jamiya, keep us posted.
  11. Jody

    Jody New Member

    I was going to say, you can come and educate Jasper if you want but goodluck trying...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :eek: :eek:

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