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Pit bull has bumps

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by jay, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. jay

    jay New Member

    :) Hi, my name is Jay and I am new to the board. My 6 month old Pit bull gets red bumps on his belly, legs, and his back. He chews at the bumps and they scab and leave little scars. Has anyone else had this problem or could give any advice? The vet said they were ant bites and gave me an antibiotic, but that didn't work and its not ant bites. Thanks Jay [/b]
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Jay: If your pup is having a reaction to ant bites or any insect bite, atibiotics won't help much. He needs a topical solution like cortisone (Cortaide) or a antihistamine, (Benadryl.) Try giving him a child's dose of OTC Benadryl. If it gets any worse, he may need a corticosteroid shot from the vet. The Benadryl will relieve his symptoms in the mean time.
  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Your dog may be having allergies. It could be from anything, food, grass etc. You could start with a process of elimination, switch his food for one week, see what happens, keep him from fresh cut lawn, out of rivers etc. Wash with warm water and a light soap twice a day.

    If after a week or so there is no improvement, I would take him to a vet. They can do allergy tests on him to find the source of the problem. If however you are worried now, call your vet now and make an appointment. He is probably a little uncomfortable, and some relief would be appreciated I am sure.

    Harely gets rashes on her belly all the time. I have no idea what it is from, but she just irritates it more by licking it. I wash the spot twice a day, and after a couple of days its gone.

    Good luck
  4. heaven

    heaven New Member

    my dog gets little red bumps on her belly...looks likda like a little heat rash that we would get in the summer.... doesn't seem to bother her and it's a very small amount
  5. jay

    jay New Member

    Thanks for the help, I don't think its the ants because i haven't been letting him out on the grass for a few days and hes getting more bumps. I live in south Louisiana so there are mosquitoes but usually at night and he doesn't go out at night except for a few minutes. Also,the vet did a scrape skin test on him and didn't find anything. As far as his food I feed him Solid Gold puppy formula. Any advice on other foods to try?
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Solid Gold is a very good dog food, I've heard. I've switched over to the Nutro products. They have a food that has all natural ingredients called ULTRA Here's a link so you can see what the ingredients are. www.nutroproducts.com Click on the Ultra.

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