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Plant Food?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by saffy, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. saffy

    saffy New Member

    Is eating plants,grass,trees vegetation in general harmful for dogs?
    This Saffy just after trashing her Dads garden.
  2. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    It depends on what kind of plants their eating..... and I'm no expert on plants. But I know that any dog I've had will graze on grass a bit at times. But there are some plants that are highly poisonous. If she tends to eat on pretty much everything you have around, I would definetly do some research on the plants in your yard, and whether they can be poisonous or not.
    That Saffy is a cutie!! Is she purebred or mix? She's a little doll :lol: :mrgreen:
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Let me see. My dog Grace chewed and killed 2 palm trees, a brazilean pepper tree, an orchid tree, 10 ft of cat claw vines along a wall, 3 bushes, a 6 yrs old fern plant. That's only what's coming to mind right now. I know there's more. It was dangerous to her health because my Husband was going to kill her. But then she turns on the charm and all's forgiven.

    There are a few poisonous plants out there. All philodendrons are poisonous. There's quite a few varieties. I don't know where you live, but in the Southwest oleanders are everywhere. They're poisonous.

    When you go to replant, ask someone in a nursery what is and isn't poisonous. You can get info on the internet, too. I look everything up before I plant in and outside the house.

    By the way, your pup is adorable!!! I bet she was forgiven, too. :D
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "It was dangerous to her health because my Husband was going to kill her. "

    that is too funny :D
    on the serious side you do have to very careful with the lily family. they are very poisinous.
    so if they have day lilies be creful

  5. saffy

    saffy New Member

    Saffy is purebred english cocker spaniel.How did you guess that she would be forgiven, god forbid if any of the rest of us harmed his pride and joy :roll:
  6. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Saffy is so cute! If you are really concerned there is a animal poison control online you can look up what plants you own to make sure they are not harmfull. I find it using a google search.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

  8. saffy

    saffy New Member

    plant food

    Nern, thanks very much for pointing out that website it's very useful for all sorts of things, it's also made me think about getting Saffy spayed sooner rather than later, she was always going to get it done.she seems too small to put her through it just now but that site seems to suggest the sooner the better. :?
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala was spayed at about 12-14 weeks and did great. I don't think she noticed that anything had been done. :)


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