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please help- dog is wetting my bed during the night

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by vnvieira, May 29, 2004.

  1. vnvieira

    vnvieira New Member

    if anyone could give me some advice that would be so great. my dog is a 5 year old manchester toy terrier in good health and seemingly happy. Yet she's been wetting the bed while we're in it and we have no clue why she's doing this. :? She even went on my sister's boyfriend while he was just sitting there with her. :( :? We have one other dog and he's a male of the same breed, but he's fine. I hope you can help us. thank you.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Have her checked out by a vet to rule out UTI to begin with.
  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Have you taken her for a check-up lately?

    Perhaps she has an infection. Also, there is a possibility that her "walls" so to speak are looser than they should be due to age or other reasons and she can't control it.

    If she is sleeping every time this happens she may just be in a really deep sleep and not realize what is going on. Try to stop giving her water earlier in the evening and make sure to take her out to pee before bed each night.

    If she is awake while doing this, she may just have a bladder control problem. Doggy diapers can help with this if it can not be controlled.
  4. vnvieira

    vnvieira New Member

    thxs a lot

    thanks a lot and yes we are taking her to get a check up. On another note i'm not sure if she was asleep exactly, but she was definately very relaxed during the episodes. Also they almost all occured when it was raining. I'm not sure if that helps, but I just wanted to be sure I got everything.

    p.s. i've read somewhere that it could be emtional. as in a big change could upset her. well my cousin just moved in with us so could that be it? :?:
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    change in a dogs behaviour can definately make a dog regress in behaviour.

    If it always happened while very relaxed/asleep while it was raining, perhaps that helped trigger it. Just as how we humans sometimes dream about going to the bathroom if we have to then wake ourselves up to go. She may have just not woken up in time. If she lays in her mess and doesn't try to move from it, there is a chance she was so relaxed she didn't even notice.

    Try doing what I posted above to see if that helps. Also, make sure you still have alone time with her so she doesn't feel her position in the family is threatened by the new comer.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    and make sure you dont give water just before bed time. With your cousin there, is she playing more. getting too tired and not relieving herself before bedtime and then shi is so tire she goes while sleeping.


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