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PLEASE HELP!! O frustrated w/dog using the bathr. inside.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by aussie/lab owner, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. aussie/lab owner

    aussie/lab owner New Member


    I just adopted a two year old Aussie/ Lab mix. She is very smart and well behaved. The problem is that her last owner just left her outside all the time. I have her now and she was good but now she is going to the bathroom in the house. Her name is Holly and she will go even after I just take her out. I tried crate training her but she just sleeps in the crate. I thought it might have been a urinary tract infection but the results were negative.

    I need some help please!! I'm moving into a new place and I don't want to wreck the carpets. There are no other animals around her in the house. There seems to be no particular reason why she would be upset and do it on purpose to get me back for anything.

    Anything you might have to help would be great. THANK YOU :cry:
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I would start housetraining from the begining as if she were a new puppy. Keep your eyes on her at all times while she is in the house so you can catch her if she is about to go and get her outside quickly with lots of praise for going outside and maybe even a treat. Im sure others will have more suggestions for you.

    Dogs don't know spite so I don't think that would be why she is doing it.

    Best of luck. :)
  3. winnie

    winnie New Member

    iagree with nern, just be patient and consistat and she will learn...:)
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What do you mean that you tried to crate train her but she just sleeps in there? If she is sleeping, she can't be peeing. That is a good thing!

    When you crate train a puppy, the puppy is in the crate when you can't be watching her - so at night, when you go out during the day, and when you can't watch the dog for whatever reason. When the dog is out, she should be confined to one room (with you there as well) or tethered to you. You need to watch her CONSTANTLY for signs of having to pee - sniffing around a lot, circling, and of course squatting. Take her out often - every hour at least, and after eating, drinking, playing, or sleeping.

    If she starts to go in the house, make a loud noise to interrupt her and hustle her outside. Have her finish out there. Give her lots of praise and a treat for going outside. Also, put a command word to it, like "Go potty."

    If she makes a mess in the house when you weren't looking, it is your fault and not hers. Clean it up with an enzymatic odor neutralizer and forget about it.

    If you really think she has to go and you take her out and she doesn't go, then put her in the crate for 15-20 minutes and then take her outside again. Repeat until she goes, and then praise and reward!

    Good luck to you. Housetraining problems are not fun!

  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Congrats on your new dog!
    Nern and Jimiya posted some good points. Start like she is a puppy from scratch and keep her tethered to you while in the office. use command such "go pottie" and stand outside while she goes and give her lots of praise. YOu should be with her afor the first few weeks at all times while she goes out, giving her her praise and using the go pottie command ( or whatever you want to use and do not scold when they have accidents. Crates are for when they are sleeping and shoould not be soiling their sleeping area.

    good luck
  6. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    We rescued Freckles when he was about a year old. He had been kept at a Vets office for three months so he was already crate trained. Problem was he thought anywhere outside of the crate was a bathroom. Like the others here recomended, we started to watch him closely and confined him to the area we were in by using baby gates. His trick was to sneak off to an unseen area. When he started to go I would holler and take him out. He learned very quickly that outside was OUTSIDE.
    Good luck.
  7. klf

    klf New Member

    boy can i relate with dukesdad!! we rescued wes from our vet he was 6 months old but had been there since he was 2 months...he still will not go out when it is raining! it took 3 years to get him to never go inside. he begs to go out now to vomit...he knows i don't want to clean that up!

    Everyone has given you great advice! make sure when she goes out it is to go potty until she gets that down don't play with her in the area she will be going to the bathroom in. You can also ask another dog owner if their dog can go potty in your yard. she will re-mark her space.

    it will take time! good luck!

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