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PMU mare not adjusting after foaling

Discussion in 'Horses - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok so it was expected that the PMU mares would have a time adjusting to the Texas heat.

    Well maggie Foaled to a Beautiful filly a 3 weeks ago. The baby is just fine ( a little stinker!!!)
    But momma isn't doing so well. She's been diagnosed with clogged arteries from blood worms. Well this has reduced the bloodflow to her intestines, inturn making her colic.

    SOooo Add the heat, and we have a SERIOUS problem!!!!

    She's about 2800lbs, so you can get a good "mind vision" of her size. SHe's about 17 1/2hh, and solid black with a white diamond on her forlock. Shes registered PErch.

    Yesterday was the first time we couldn't get her up. Baby couldn't even get her up. SO the vet was out again....WE finally got her up and this sounds cruel, but there was no other way, we hot shotted her. If we wouldn't have, her colon probably would have turned or flipped over. (BAD VERY BAD) SO we get her up, hose her off, and let baby nurse.

    She seemed to do better. She ate hay, rolled in the mud, and drank.

    I transfered the "show cattle" fans and mister system into her barn. SO we'll see if that helps.

    So my question is. What else can we do to cool her down? Anyone had this problem with blood worms either?
  2. someday

    someday New Member

    Mister fans are the best way to go, if she keps overheating during the day you could cold hose her, but not let the water stand on her, as it just heats up and holds more heat in, keep applying and scrape it off when she's cooler. I've never had experience with bloodworms, I know they can be serious though. Good luck with her! Hope she pulls through fine, those draft breeds are hard climatizing.
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    She's doing alto better now. She LIVES under the fan and misters. Its really helped.

    Baby is driving her nuts though. We've resorted in turning baby out in the paddock for a few hours during the day to give momma a relief. She doesn't seem to mind one bit!

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